Regina 7.3 Calculation Engine
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regina Namespace Reference

Contains the entire Regina calculation engine. More...


namespace  alias
 Contains helper classes that provide dimension-specific aliases for generic functions.
namespace  detail
 Contains implementation details and common functionality for Regina's dimension-agnostic classes.
namespace  i18n
 Various classes and routines for working with internationalisation and character encodings.
namespace  xml
 Various classes and routines for XML manipulation, some taken or modified from the libxml++ library.


class  AbelianGroup
 Represents a finitely generated abelian group. More...
class  AngleStructure
 Represents an angle structure on a triangulation. More...
class  AngleStructures
 A collection of angle structures on a 3-manifold triangulation. More...
class  Attachment
 A packet that can hold an arbitrary file attachment. More...
class  AugTriSolidTorus
 Represents an augmented triangular solid torus component of a triangulation. More...
class  BanBoundary
 A class that bans normal disc types that meet the boundary of the underlying triangulation. More...
class  BanConstraintBase
 A base class for additional banning and marking constraints that we can place on tree traversal algorithms. More...
class  BanEdge
 A class that bans normal disc types that meet a particular edge of the underlying triangulation. More...
class  BanNone
 A do-nothing class that bans no coordinates and marks no coordinates. More...
class  BanTorusBoundary
 A class that bans and marks disc types associated with torus boundary components. More...
struct  Base64SigEncoding
 General helper tools for signatures that use base64 encodings. More...
class  BitManipulator
 An optimised class for bitwise analysis and manipulation of native data types. More...
class  BitManipulatorBySize
 Contains implementation details for BitManipulator where we optimise according to the size of the underlying data type. More...
class  BitManipulatorByType
 Contains implementation details for BitManipulator where we optimise according to the underlying data type. More...
class  Bitmask
 A bitmask that can store arbitrarily many true-or-false bits. More...
class  Bitmask1
 A small but extremely fast bitmask class that can store up to 8 * sizeof(T) true-or-false bits. More...
class  Bitmask2
 A small but extremely fast bitmask class that can store up to 8 * sizeof(T) + 8 * sizeof(U) true-or-false bits. More...
class  BlockedSFS
 Represents a blocked Seifert fibred space (possibly with boundary). More...
class  BlockedSFSLoop
 Represents a blocked Seifert fibred space with two boundary tori that are joined together. More...
class  BlockedSFSPair
 Represents a blocked pair of Seifert fibred spaces joined along a single connecting torus. More...
class  BlockedSFSTriple
 Represents a blocked sequence of three Seifert fibred spaces joined along connecting tori. More...
class  BoolSet
 A set of booleans. More...
class  BoundaryComponent
 A component of the boundary of a dim-manifold triangulation. More...
struct  CallableArg
 A traits class that deduces the type of the argument in a given position for a callable object. More...
class  Census
 A utility class used to search for triangulations across one or more 3-manifold census databases. More...
class  CensusDB
 Stores the location and description of one of Regina's in-built census databases. More...
class  CensusHit
 Stores a single "hit" indicating that some given triangulation has been located in one of Regina's in-built census databases. More...
class  ChildIterator
 A forward iterator for iterating through all immediate children of a given packet. More...
class  ClosedPrimeMinSearcher
 A gluing permutation search class that offers a specialised search algorithm for when (i) only closed prime minimal P2-irreducible triangulations are required, and (ii) the given face pairing has order at least three. More...
class  CompactSearcher
 A gluing permutation search class that offers a specialised search algorithm for when only compact (finite) 3-manifold triangulations are required. More...
class  Component
 A connected component of a dim-manifold triangulation. More...
class  Component< 2 >
 Represents a connected component of a 2-manifold triangulation. More...
class  Component< 3 >
 Represents a connected component of a 3-manifold triangulation. More...
class  Component< 4 >
 Represents a connected component of a 4-manifold triangulation. More...
class  Container
 A packet that simply contains other packets. More...
class  Crossing
 Represents a single crossing in a link diagram. More...
class  Cusp
 Used to return information about a single cusp of a SnapPea triangulation. More...
class  Cut
 A cut that separates a triangulation or facet pairing into two pieces. More...
class  Cyclotomic
 Represents an element of a cyclotomic field. More...
class  DegreeGreaterThan
 Deprecated function object used for sorting faces of triangulations by decreasing degree. More...
class  DegreeLessThan
 Deprecated function object used for sorting faces of triangulations by increasing degree. More...
class  DiscSetSurfaceDataImpl
 Stores a piece of data alongside every normal disc within a particular normal surface. More...
class  DiscSetTet
 Represents a set of normal discs inside a single tetrahedron. More...
class  DiscSetTetData
 Stores data of type T for every normal disc inside a single tetrahedron. More...
struct  DiscSpec
 Specifies a single normal disc in a normal surface. More...
class  DiscSpecIterator
 A forward iterator used for running through all normal discs in a normal surface. More...
struct  DiscType
 Identifies a single normal or almost normal disc type within a triangulation. More...
class  DoubleDescription
 Implements a modified double description method for polytope vertex enumeration. More...
struct  EnableIf
 A struct that holds either a single value of type T or nothing at all, depending on whether the given compile-time condition holds. More...
class  EulerSearcher
 A gluing permutation search class that offers a specialised search algorithm for when all vertex links must all have a given fixed Euler characteristic. More...
class  Example
 This class offers static routines for constructing a variety of sample dim-dimensional triangulations. More...
class  Example< 2 >
 Offers routines for constructing a variety of sample 2-dimensional triangulations. More...
class  Example< 3 >
 Offers routines for constructing a variety of sample 3-dimensional triangulations. More...
class  Example< 4 >
 Offers routines for constructing a variety of sample 4-dimensional triangulations. More...
class  ExampleLink
 This class offers routines for constructing ready-made examples of knots and links. More...
class  ExampleSnapPea
 This class offers routines for constructing various example SnapPea triangulations. More...
class  Face
 Represents a subdim-face in the skeleton of a dim-dimensional triangulation. More...
class  Face< 2, 2 >
 Represents a triangle within a 2-manifold triangulation. More...
class  Face< 3, 0 >
 Represents a vertex in the skeleton of a 3-manifold triangulation. More...
class  Face< 3, 1 >
 Represents an edge in the skeleton of a 3-manifold triangulation. More...
class  Face< 3, 2 >
 Represents a triangle in the skeleton of a 3-manifold triangulation. More...
class  Face< 3, 3 >
 Represents a tetrahedron within a 3-manifold triangulation. More...
class  Face< 4, 0 >
 Represents a vertex in the skeleton of a 4-manifold triangulation. More...
class  Face< 4, 1 >
 Represents an edge in the skeleton of a 4-manifold triangulation. More...
class  Face< 4, 2 >
 Represents a triangle in the skeleton of a 4-manifold triangulation. More...
class  Face< 4, 3 >
 Represents a tetrahedron in the skeleton of a 4-manifold triangulation. More...
class  Face< 4, 4 >
 Represents a pentachoron (a 4-dimensional simplex) within a 4-manifold triangulation. More...
class  Face< dim, dim >
 Represents a top-dimensional simplex in a dim-manifold triangulation. More...
class  FaceEmbedding
 Details how a subdim-face of a dim-dimensional triangulation appears within each top-dimensional simplex. More...
class  FaceNumbering
 Specifies how subdim-faces are numbered within a dim-dimensional simplex. More...
class  FacePair
 Represents a pair of tetrahedron face numbers. More...
class  FacetPairing
 Represents the dual graph of a dim-manifold triangulation; that is, the pairwise matching of facets of dim-dimensional simplices. More...
class  FacetPairing< 3 >
 Represents the dual graph of a 3-manifold triangulation. More...
struct  FacetSpec
 A lightweight class used to refer to a particular facet of a particular top-dimensional simplex in a dim-dimensional triangulation. More...
class  FailedPrecondition
 An exception thrown when a function detects that its preconditions have been violated. More...
struct  FaithfulAssignment
 Determines if an integer of type From can always be assigned to an integer of type To with no loss of information. More...
class  FileError
 An exception thrown when trying to access data from the filesystem. More...
class  FileInfo
 Stores information about a Regina data file, including file format and version. More...
class  Flags
 A class representing a bitwise combination of flags defined by an enumeration type. More...
class  GlobalDirs
 Provides global routines that return directories in which various components of Regina are installed on the system. More...
class  GluingPerms
 Represents a specific set of gluing permutations to complement a particular pairwise matching of simplex facets. More...
class  GluingPermSearcher
 A utility class used to build a census of triangulations, by searching through all possible sets of gluing permutations to match a given facet pairing. More...
class  GluingPermSearcher< 2 >
 A utility class for searching through all possible gluing permutation sets that correspond to a given triangle edge pairing. More...
class  GluingPermSearcher< 3 >
 A utility class for searching through all possible gluing permutation sets that correspond to a given tetrahedron face pairing. More...
class  GluingPermSearcher< 4 >
 A utility class for searching through all possible gluing permutation sets that correspond to a given pentachoron facet pairing. More...
class  GraphLoop
 Represents a closed graph manifold formed by joining a single bounded Seifert fibred space to itself along a torus. More...
class  GraphPair
 Represents a closed graph manifold formed by joining two bounded Seifert fibred spaces along a common torus. More...
class  GraphTriple
 Represents a closed graph manifold formed by joining three bounded Seifert fibred spaces along their torus boundaries. More...
class  GroupExpression
 Represents an expression involving generators from a group presentation or a free group. More...
struct  GroupExpressionTerm
 Represents a power of a generator in a group presentation. More...
class  GroupPresentation
 Represents a finite presentation of a group. More...
class  Handlebody
 Represents an orientable handlebody. More...
class  HilbertCD
 Implements a modified Contejean-Devie algorithm for enumerating Hilbert bases. More...
class  HilbertDual
 Implements a modified dual algorithm for enumerating Hilbert bases. More...
class  HilbertPrimal
 Implements a modified primal algorithm for enumerating Hilbert bases. More...
class  HomGroupPresentation
 Represents a homomorphism between groups which are described via finite presentations. More...
class  HomMarkedAbelianGroup
 Represents a homomorphism of finitely generated abelian groups. More...
class  HomologicalData
 A specialised class that computes a large amount of detailed homological information for a 3-manifold triangulation. More...
class  HyperbolicMinSearcher
 A gluing permutation search class that offers a specialised search algorithm for when only minimal ideal triangulations of cusped finite-volume hyperbolic 3-manifolds are required. More...
class  HyperEncoding
 Indicates precisely how a normal hypersurface within a 4-manifold triangulation is encoded by an integer vector. More...
class  HyperInfo
 A class used to query general information about different normal hypersurface coordinate systems. More...
struct  InfinityBase
 Internal base classes for use with IntegerBase, templated on whether we should support infinity as an allowed value. More...
class  IntegerBase
 Represents an arbitrary precision integer. More...
class  IntersectionForm
 Represents a symmetric bilinear integral form, which for Regina is typically the intersection form of a 4-manifold. More...
struct  IntOfMinSize
 Gives access to native integer types that hold at least k bytes, where k may be any compile-time constant. More...
struct  IntOfSize
 Gives access to native integer types that hold exactly k bytes, where k may be any compile-time constant. More...
class  InvalidArgument
 An exception thrown when invalid or unsupported arguments are passed into a function. More...
class  InvalidInput
 An exception thrown when a function reads unexpected or incomplete data from an input stream. More...
class  Isomorphism
 Represents a combinatorial isomorphism from one dim-manifold triangulation into another. More...
class  IsoSigClassic
 The default signature type to use for isomorphism signatures. More...
class  IsoSigDegrees
 Defines an alternate type of isomorphism signature based on degree sequences of subdim-faces. More...
class  IsoSigPrintable
 The default encoding to use for isomorphism signatures. More...
struct  IsReginaArbitraryPrecisionInteger
 Determines if the type T is one of Regina's arbitrary precision integer types. More...
struct  IsReginaInteger
 Determines if the type T is one of Regina's own integer types (either arbitrary precision or fixed size). More...
class  Laurent
 Represents a single-variable Laurent polynomial with coefficients of type T. More...
class  Laurent2
 Represents a Laurent polynomial in the two variables x, y with coefficients of type T. More...
class  LayeredChain
 Represents a layered chain in a triangulation. More...
class  LayeredChainPair
 Represents a layered chain pair component of a triangulation. More...
class  LayeredLensSpace
 Represents a layered lens space component of a triangulation. More...
class  LayeredLoop
 Represents a layered loop component of a triangulation. More...
class  LayeredSolidTorus
 Represents a layered solid torus in a triangulation. More...
class  LayeredTorusBundle
 Describes a layered torus bundle. More...
class  Layering
 Represents a layering of zero or more tetrahedra upon a torus boundary. More...
class  LensSpace
 Represents a general lens space. More...
class  LightweightSequence
 A lightweight class for storing a random-access sequence of objects. More...
class  Link
 Represents a directed knot or link in the 3-sphere. More...
class  ListView
 A lightweight object that can be used for iteration and random access to all elements of a given list. More...
class  ListView< Element * >
 A specialisation of ListView for working with lists stored in a C-style array whose size is not known at compile-time. More...
class  ListView< Element[n]>
 A specialisation of ListView for working with lists stored in a C-style array whose size is fixed at compile-time. More...
struct  LPCol
 Used by LPInitialTableaux<LPConstraint> to store a single column of the adjusted matching equation matrix in sparse form. More...
class  LPConstraintBase
 A base class for additional linear constraints that we can add to the tableaux of normal surface or angle structure matching equations. More...
class  LPConstraintEulerPositive
 A class that constraints the tableaux of normal surface matching equations to ensure that Euler characteristic is strictly positive. More...
class  LPConstraintEulerZero
 A class that constraints the tableaux of normal surface matching equations to ensure that Euler characteristic is zero. More...
class  LPConstraintNone
 A do-nothing class that imposes no additional linear constraints on the tableaux of normal surface or angle structure matching equations. More...
class  LPConstraintNonSpun
 A class that constraints the tableaux of normal surface matching equations to ensure that normal surfaces in an ideal triangulation are compact (thereby avoiding spun normal surfaces with infinitely many triangles). More...
class  LPConstraintSubspace
 A subclass of LPConstraintBase used for constraints defined entirely by homogeneous linear equations. More...
class  LPData
 Stores an intermediate tableaux for the dual simplex method, and contains all of the core machinery for using the dual simplex method. More...
class  LPInitialTableaux
 Stores an adjusted matrix of homogeneous linear matching equations based on a given triangulation, in sparse form. More...
class  LPMatrix
 A matrix class for use with linear programming. More...
class  LPSystem
 Indicates which broad class of vector encodings a particular tableaux is designed to work with. More...
class  Manifold
 Represents a particular 3-manifold, independent of how it might be triangulated. More...
class  MarkedAbelianGroup
 Represents a finitely generated abelian group given by a chain complex. More...
class  MarkedElement
 A base class for elements of MarkedVector. More...
class  MarkedVector
 A vector of objects with fast, space-efficient reverse lookup of array indices. More...
class  Matrix
 Represents a matrix of elements of the given type T. More...
class  Matrix2
 Represents a 2-by-2 integer matrix. More...
class  MaxAdmissible
 Used to enumerate all maximal admissible faces of a polyhedral cone under a given set of admissibility constraints. More...
class  mem_istream
 An input stream that reads an array of characters in memory. More...
class  mem_streambuf
 A stream buffer that provides the implementation details for mem_istream. More...
class  ModelLinkGraph
 Represents an undirected 4-valent planar graph with a specific planar embedding. More...
class  ModelLinkGraphArc
 A reference to an outgoing edge from a node of a model graph for a knot or link. More...
class  ModelLinkGraphCells
 Describes the cellular decomposition of the sphere that is induced by a given planar 4-valent graph. More...
class  ModelLinkGraphNode
 Represents a single node in a model graph for a knot or link. More...
class  NativeInteger
 A wrapper class for a native, fixed-precision integer type of the given size. More...
class  NormalEncoding
 Indicates precisely how a normal surface is encoded by an integer vector. More...
class  NormalHypersurface
 Represents a single normal hypersurface in a 4-manifold triangulation. More...
class  NormalHypersurfaces
 A collection of normal hypersurfaces in a 4-manifold triangulation. More...
class  NormalInfo
 A class used to query general information about different normal coordinate systems. More...
class  NormalSurface
 Represents a single normal surface in a 3-manifold triangulation. More...
class  NormalSurfaces
 A collection of normal surfaces in a 3-manifold triangulation. More...
class  NoSolution
 An exception thrown when Regina has certified that a mathematical problem has no solution. More...
class  NotImplemented
 An exception thrown when some functionality is not yet implemented. More...
struct  Output
 A common base class for objects that write human-readable text output. More...
struct  OutputBase
 Provides a type alias to help identify where in the class hierarchy the output functions T::str() and T::detail() are implemented. More...
class  Packet
 Represents a packet of information that may be individually edited or operated upon. More...
class  PacketChildren
 A lightweight object that gives access to all immediate children of a given packet. More...
class  PacketData
 A lightweight helper class that allows an object of type Held to connect with the wrapped packet class that contains it. More...
class  PacketDescendants
 A lightweight object that gives access to all strict descendants of a given packet. More...
class  PacketInfo
 A class used to query general information about different packet types. More...
class  PacketListener
 An object that can be registered to listen for packet events. More...
class  PacketOf
 A packet that stores a mathematical object of type Held. More...
class  PacketShell
 Gives access to the final remains of a packet that is in the process of being destroyed. More...
class  Perm
 Represents a permutation of {0,1,...,n-1}. More...
class  Perm< 2 >
 Represents a permutation of {0,1}. More...
class  Perm< 3 >
 Represents a permutation of {0,1,2}. More...
class  Perm< 4 >
 Represents a permutation of {0,1,2,3}. More...
class  Perm< 5 >
 Represents a permutation of {0,1,2,3,4}. More...
class  Perm< 6 >
 Represents a permutation of {0,1,2,3,4,5}. More...
class  Perm< 7 >
 Represents a permutation of {0,1,2,3,4,5,6}. More...
class  PermClass
 Represents a conjugacy class of permutations on n elements. More...
class  PermGroup
 Represents a group of permutations on n elements. More...
class  PillowTwoSphere
 Represents a 2-sphere made from two triangles glued together along their three edges. More...
class  PluggedTorusBundle
 Describes a triangulation of a graph manifold formed by joining a bounded saturated region with a thin I-bundle over the torus, possibly with layerings in between. More...
class  PlugTriSolidTorus
 Represents a plugged triangular solid torus component of a triangulation. More...
class  Polynomial
 Represents a single-variable polynomial with coefficients of type T. More...
class  PosOrder
 A comparison object that sorts hyperplanes by position vectors. More...
class  Primes
 A helper class for finding primes and factorising integers. More...
struct  PrismSpec
 Specifies a single triangular prism in a tetrahedron. More...
class  ProgressTracker
 Manages percentage-based progress tracking and cancellation polling for long operations. More...
class  ProgressTrackerBase
 The base class for Regina's progress tracking classes. More...
class  ProgressTrackerOpen
 Manages percentage-based progress tracking and cancellation polling for open-ended operations. More...
class  Qitmask1
 A small but extremely fast "base 4 bitmask" class that can store up to 8 * sizeof(T) "qits", each equal to 0, 1, 2 or 3. More...
class  Qitmask2
 A small but extremely fast "base 4 bitmask" class that can store up to 8 * sizeof(T) + 8 * sizeof(U) "qits", each equal to 0, 1, 2 or 3. More...
class  RandomEngine
 Offers threadsafe access to Regina's global uniform random bit generator. More...
class  Rational
 Represents an arbitrary precision rational number. More...
class  ReginaException
 A base class for all of the exceptions that are thrown by Regina's native mathematical code. More...
struct  SatAnnulus
 Represents an annulus formed from a pair of triangles in a Seifert fibred space. More...
class  SatBlock
 Represents a saturated block in a Seifert fibred space. More...
class  SatBlockModel
 Contains an explicit triangulation of a saturated block along with the accompanying saturated block description. More...
class  SatBlockSpec
 Describes how a single saturated block forms a part of a larger saturated region. More...
class  SatCube
 A saturated block that is a six-tetrahedron cube. More...
class  SatLayering
 A degenerate saturated block that is a single tetrahedron wrapped around so that two opposite edges touch. More...
class  SatLST
 A saturated block that is a layered solid torus. More...
class  SatMobius
 A degenerate zero-tetrahedron saturated block that corresponds to attaching a Mobius band to a single annulus boundary. More...
class  SatReflectorStrip
 A saturated block that is a reflector strip. More...
class  SatRegion
 A large saturated region in a Seifert fibred space formed by joining together saturated blocks. More...
class  SatTriPrism
 A saturated block that is a three-tetrahedron triangular prism. More...
class  Script
 A packet representing a Python script that can be run. More...
class  SFSAlt
 Provides an alternative representation of a single bounded Seifert fibred space. More...
struct  SFSFibre
 Represents an exceptional (alpha, beta) fibre in a Seifert fibred space. More...
class  SFSpace
 Represents a general Seifert fibred space, which may be orientable or non-orientable. More...
class  ShortArray
 A short stack-based array of bounded size. More...
struct  ShortOutput
 A common base class for objects that provide short text output only. More...
class  SigCensus
 A class responsible for building censuses of splitting surface signatures. More...
class  Signature
 Represents a signature of a splitting surface in a closed 3-manifold triangulation. More...
class  SigPartialIsomorphism
 Represents a partial isomorphism between two splitting surface signatures. More...
class  SimpleSurfaceBundle
 Represents a particularly simple closed surface bundle over the circle. More...
class  SnapPeaCensusManifold
 Represents a 3-manifold from the SnapPea cusped census. More...
class  SnapPeaCensusTri
 Represents a 3-manifold triangulation from the SnapPea cusped census. More...
class  SnapPeaFatalError
 An exception that is thrown when the SnapPea kernel encounters a fatal error. More...
class  SnapPeaIsNull
 An exception thrown when the SnapPea kernel is asked to work with a null SnapPea triangulation. More...
class  SnapPeaMemoryFull
 An exception that is thrown when the SnapPea kernel finds that all available memory has been exhausted. More...
class  SnapPeaTriangulation
 Offers direct access to the SnapPea kernel from within Regina. More...
class  SnapPeaUnsolvedCase
 An exception thrown when the SnapPea kernel is not able to perform some computation. More...
class  SnappedBall
 Represents a snapped 3-ball in a triangulation. More...
class  SnappedTwoSphere
 Represents a 2-sphere made from two snapped 3-balls in a triangulation. More...
class  Snapshot
 Keeps a snapshot of an object of type T as it was at a particular moment in time. More...
class  SnapshotRef
 A reference to an image of type T that has been snapshotted at a particular moment in time. More...
class  Snapshottable
 A base class for images of type T that can be snapshotted at a particular moment in time. More...
class  SnapshotWriteError
 An exception thrown when someone tries to modify the read-only deep copy taken by a snapshot. More...
class  SpiralSolidTorus
 Represents a spiralled solid torus in a triangulation. More...
class  StandardTriangulation
 Describes a triangulation or subcomplex of a triangulation whose structure is well-understood. More...
class  StrandRef
 A reference to one of the two strands of a link that pass each other at a crossing. More...
class  SubtreeIterator
 A forward iterator for iterating through the entire packet subtree rooted at a given packet. More...
class  SurfaceFilter
 A packet that accepts or rejects normal surfaces. More...
class  SurfaceFilterCombination
 A normal surface filter that simply combines other filters. More...
class  SurfaceFilterProperties
 A normal surface filter that filters by basic properties of the normal surface. More...
class  TableView
 A lightweight object that can be used for random access to all elements of a given multi-dimensional table. More...
class  Tangle
 Represents a 2-tangle in the 3-ball. More...
class  TautEnumeration
 The main entry point for the tree traversal algorithm to enumerate all taut angle structures in a 3-manifold triangulation. More...
class  Text
 A packet representing a text string. More...
struct  TightEncodable
 A base class that assists with support for tight encodings and corresponding decodings. More...
class  TorusBundle
 Represents a torus bundle over the circle. More...
class  TreeBag
 Represents a single bag in a tree decomposition. More...
class  TreeDecomposition
 Represents a tree decomposition of a graph. More...
class  TreeEnumeration
 The main entry point for the tree traversal algorithm to enumerate all vertex normal or almost normal surfaces in a 3-manifold triangulation. More...
class  TreeSingleSoln
 The main entry point for the tree traversal / branching algorithm to locate a single non-trivial normal surface satisfying given constraints within a 3-manifold triangulation. More...
class  TreeTraversal
 A base class for searches that employ the tree traversal algorithm for enumerating and locating vertex normal surfaces and taut angle structures. More...
class  Triangulation
 A dim-dimensional triangulation, built by gluing together dim-dimensional simplices along their (dim-1)-dimensional facets. More...
class  Triangulation< 2 >
 Represents a 2-manifold triangulation. More...
class  Triangulation< 3 >
 Represents a 3-dimensional triangulation, typically of a 3-manifold. More...
class  Triangulation< 4 >
 Represents a 4-dimensional triangulation, typically of a 4-manifold. More...
class  TrieSet
 A trie-like data structure for storing and retriving sets. More...
class  TriSolidTorus
 Represents a three-tetrahedron triangular solid torus in a triangulation. More...
class  TrivialTri
 Represents one of a few particular hard-coded trivial triangulations that do not belong to any of the other larger families. More...
class  TxICore
 Provides a triangulation of the product T x I (the product of the torus and the interval). More...
class  TxIDiagonalCore
 One of a family of thin T x I triangulations that typically appear at the centres of layered torus bundles. More...
class  TxIParallelCore
 A specific six-tetrahedron TxICore triangulation that does not fit neatly into other families. More...
class  TypeTrie
 A trie that stores a set of type vectors of a fixed length. More...
class  UnsolvedCase
 An exception thrown when a mathematical function is not able to solve a particular instance of a problem. More...
class  ValidityConstraints
 Represents a set of combinatorial validity constraints for use with polytope vertex enumeration. More...
class  Vector
 An optimised vector class of elements from a given ring T. More...
class  XMLTriangulationReader
class  XMLWriter


using MatrixInt = Matrix< Integer, true >
 A matrix of arbitrary-precision integers. More...
using AngleAlg = regina::Flags< AngleAlgFlags >
 A combination of flags for angle structure enumeration algorithms. More...
using CensusPurge = regina::Flags< CensusPurgeFlags >
 A combination of flags for census generation. More...
using HyperList = regina::Flags< HyperListFlags >
 A combination of flags for types of normal hypersurface lists. More...
using HyperAlg = regina::Flags< HyperAlgFlags >
 A combination of flags for normal hypersurface enumeration algorithms. More...
using LargeInteger = IntegerBase< true >
 LargeInteger is a type alias for IntegerBase<true>, which offers arbitrary precision integers with support for infinity. More...
using Integer = IntegerBase< false >
 Integer is a type alias for IntegerBase<false>, which offers arbitrary precision integers without support for infinity. More...
using NativeLong = NativeInteger< sizeof(long)>
 NativeLong is a type alias for the NativeInteger template class whose underlying integer type is a native long. More...
using MatrixBool = Matrix< bool >
 A matrix of booleans. More...
using VectorInt = Vector< Integer >
 A vector of arbitrary-precision integers. More...
using VectorLarge = Vector< LargeInteger >
 A vector of arbitrary-precision integers that allows infinite elements. More...
template<typename T >
using DiscSetSurfaceData = DiscSetSurfaceDataImpl< DiscSetTetData< T > >
 A structure that stores data of type T alongside every normal disc within a particular normal surface. More...
using DiscSetSurface = DiscSetSurfaceDataImpl< DiscSetTet >
 A structure that builds all of the normal discs within a particular normal surface, but does not store any additional data alongside them. More...
using NormalList = regina::Flags< NormalListFlags >
 A combination of flags for types of normal surface lists. More...
using NormalAlg = regina::Flags< NormalAlgFlags >
 A combination of flags for normal surface enumeration algorithms. More...
using SurfaceExport = regina::Flags< SurfaceExportFields >
 A set of fields to export alongside a normal surface list. More...
template<int dim>
using Vertex = Face< dim, 0 >
 Refers to a vertex of a dim-dimensional triangulation. More...
template<int dim>
using Edge = Face< dim, 1 >
 Refers to an edge of a dim-dimensional triangulation. More...
template<int dim>
using Triangle = Face< dim, 2 >
 Refers to a triangular face of a dim-dimensional triangulation. More...
template<int dim>
using Tetrahedron = Face< dim, 3 >
 Refers to a tetrahedral face of a dim-dimensional triangulation. More...
template<int dim>
using Pentachoron = Face< dim, 4 >
 Refers to a pentachoron face of a dim-dimensional triangulation. More...
template<int dim>
using Simplex = Face< dim, dim >
 Refers to a top-dimensional simplex in a dim-dimensional triangulation. More...
template<int dim>
using VertexEmbedding = FaceEmbedding< dim, 0 >
 Details how a vertex of a dim-dimensional triangulation appears within each top-dimensional simplex. More...
template<int dim>
using EdgeEmbedding = FaceEmbedding< dim, 1 >
 Details how a edge of a dim-dimensional triangulation appears within each top-dimensional simplex. More...
template<int dim>
using TriangleEmbedding = FaceEmbedding< dim, 2 >
 Details how a triangular face of a dim-dimensional triangulation appears within each top-dimensional simplex. More...
template<int dim>
using TetrahedronEmbedding = FaceEmbedding< dim, 3 >
 Details how a tetrahedral face of a dim-dimensional triangulation appears within each top-dimensional simplex. More...
template<int dim>
using PentachoronEmbedding = FaceEmbedding< dim, 4 >
 Details how a pentachoron face of a dim-dimensional triangulation appears within each top-dimensional simplex. More...
template<int dim>
using IsoSigEdgeDegrees = IsoSigDegrees< dim, 1 >
 Defines an alternate type of isomorphism signature based on edge degree sequences. More...
template<int dim>
using IsoSigRidgeDegrees = IsoSigDegrees< dim, dim - 2 >
 Defines an alternate type of isomorphism signature based on degree sequences of (dim-2)-faces. More...
template<int pos, typename tuple , typename out_of_range = void>
using safe_tuple_element = typename regina::detail::safe_tuple_element_impl< pos, tuple, out_of_range >::type
 An alternative to std::tuple_element that gracefully handles an out-of-range index. More...


enum  AngleAlgFlags {
  AS_ALG_DEFAULT = 0x0000 , AS_ALG_TREE = 0x0010 , AS_ALG_DD = 0x0020 , AS_ALG_LEGACY = 0x4000 ,
  AS_ALG_CUSTOM = 0x8000
 Represents options and variants of algorithms for enumerating various types of angle structures on 3-manifold triangulations. More...
enum  CensusPurgeFlags {
 Represents different classes of triangulations that may be ignored by census generation algorithms. More...
 Represents each generation of Regina's file formats. More...
enum  HyperCoords { HS_STANDARD = 0 , HS_PRISM = 1 , HS_EDGE_WEIGHT = 200 }
 Represents different coordinate systems that can be used for enumerating and/or displaying normal hypersurfaces within 4-manifold triangulations. More...
enum  HyperListFlags {
  HS_LIST_DEFAULT = 0x0000 , HS_EMBEDDED_ONLY = 0x0001 , HS_IMMERSED_SINGULAR = 0x0002 , HS_VERTEX = 0x0004 ,
  HS_FUNDAMENTAL = 0x0008 , HS_LEGACY = 0x4000 , HS_CUSTOM = 0x8000
 Represents different lists of normal hypersurfaces that might be constructed for a given 4-manifold triangulation. More...
enum  HyperAlgFlags {
  HS_ALG_DEFAULT = 0x0000 , HS_VERTEX_DD = 0x0020 , HS_HILBERT_PRIMAL = 0x0100 , HS_HILBERT_DUAL = 0x0200 ,
  HS_ALG_LEGACY = 0x4000 , HS_ALG_CUSTOM = 0x8000
 Represents options and variants of algorithms for enumerating various types of normal hypersurfaces in 4-manifold triangulations. More...
 Indicates one of the standard framings of a knot or link. More...
enum  PermCodeType { PERM_CODE_IMAGES = 1 , PERM_CODE_INDEX = 2 }
 Represents the different kinds of internal permutation codes that are used in Regina's various Perm<n> template classes. More...
 Constants that represent particular well-known classes of permutation groups. More...
enum  PacketHeldBy { HELD_BY_NONE = 0 , HELD_BY_PACKET = 1 , HELD_BY_SNAPPEA = 2 }
 Internal constants that support wrapped packets. More...
enum  PacketType {
 Represents the different types of packet that are available in Regina. More...
enum  Algorithm { ALG_DEFAULT = 0 , ALG_BACKTRACK = 1 , ALG_TREEWIDTH = 2 , ALG_NAIVE = 3 }
 Represents various classes of algorithms that Regina can use for computations. More...
enum  NormalCoords {
  NS_STANDARD = 0 , NS_QUAD = 1 , NS_QUAD_CLOSED = 10 , NS_AN_LEGACY = 100 ,
 Represents different coordinate systems that can be used for enumerating and/or displaying normal surfaces. More...
enum  NormalListFlags {
  NS_LIST_DEFAULT = 0x0000 , NS_EMBEDDED_ONLY = 0x0001 , NS_IMMERSED_SINGULAR = 0x0002 , NS_VERTEX = 0x0004 ,
  NS_FUNDAMENTAL = 0x0008 , NS_LEGACY = 0x4000 , NS_CUSTOM = 0x8000
 Represents different lists of normal surfaces that might be constructed for a given 3-manifold triangulation. More...
enum  NormalAlgFlags {
  NS_ALG_DEFAULT = 0x0000 , NS_VERTEX_VIA_REDUCED = 0x0001 , NS_VERTEX_STD_DIRECT = 0x0002 , NS_VERTEX_TREE = 0x0010 ,
  NS_VERTEX_DD = 0x0020 , NS_HILBERT_PRIMAL = 0x0100 , NS_HILBERT_DUAL = 0x0200 , NS_HILBERT_CD = 0x0400 ,
  NS_HILBERT_FULLCONE = 0x0800 , NS_ALG_LEGACY = 0x4000 , NS_ALG_CUSTOM = 0x8000
 Represents options and variants of algorithms for enumerating various types of normal surfaces in 3-manifold triangulations. More...
enum  NormalTransform {
 Represents different ways in which Regina can transform one normal surface list into another. More...
enum  SurfaceExportFields {
  surfaceExportName = 0x0001 , surfaceExportEuler = 0x0002 , surfaceExportOrient = 0x0004 , surfaceExportSides = 0x0008 ,
  surfaceExportBdry = 0x0010 , surfaceExportLink = 0x0020 , surfaceExportType = 0x0040 , surfaceExportNone = 0 ,
  surfaceExportAllButName = 0x007e , surfaceExportAll = 0x007f
 Used to describe a field, or a set of fields, that can be exported alongside a normal surface list. More...
 Represents different types of filter classes that can be used to filter lists of normal surfaces in 3-manifold triangulations. More...
enum  TreeDecompositionAlg { TD_UPPER = 0x0001 , TD_UPPER_GREEDY_FILL_IN = 0x0001 }
 Indicates which algorithm should be used to compute a tree decomposition of a graph. More...
enum  BagComparison { BAG_EQUAL = 0 , BAG_SUBSET = -1 , BAG_SUPERSET = 1 , BAG_UNRELATED = 2 }
 Indicates the relationship between two bags in a tree decomposition. More...
enum  NiceType { NICE_INTRODUCE = 1 , NICE_FORGET = 2 , NICE_JOIN = 3 }
 Used to indicate the type of each bag in a nice tree decomposition. More...


void swap (AbelianGroup &lhs, AbelianGroup &rhs) noexcept
 Swaps the contents of the two given abelian groups. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const GroupExpressionTerm &term)
 Writes the given term to the given output stream. More...
void swap (GroupExpression &lhs, GroupExpression &rhs) noexcept
 Swaps the contents of the two given expressions. More...
void swap (GroupPresentation &lhs, GroupPresentation &rhs) noexcept
 Swaps the contents of the two given group presentations. More...
void swap (HomGroupPresentation &lhs, HomGroupPresentation &rhs) noexcept
 Swaps the contents of the two given homomorphisms. More...
void swap (IntersectionForm &lhs, IntersectionForm &rhs) noexcept
 Swaps the contents of the two given intersection forms. More...
void swap (MarkedAbelianGroup &lhs, MarkedAbelianGroup &rhs) noexcept
 Swaps the contents of the two given abelian groups. More...
void swap (HomMarkedAbelianGroup &lhs, HomMarkedAbelianGroup &rhs) noexcept
 Swaps the contents of the two given homomorphisms. More...
AngleAlg operator| (AngleAlgFlags lhs, AngleAlgFlags rhs)
 Returns the bitwise OR of the two given flags. More...
void swap (AngleStructure &a, AngleStructure &b) noexcept
 Swaps the contents of the given angle structures. More...
void swap (AngleStructures &lhs, AngleStructures &rhs)
 Swaps the contents of the two given lists. More...
MatrixInt makeAngleEquations (const Triangulation< 3 > &tri)
 Generates the set of angle structure equations for the given triangulation. More...
void swap (CensusDB &a, CensusDB &b) noexcept
 Swaps the contents of the given database references. More...
void swap (CensusHit &a, CensusHit &b) noexcept
 Swaps the contents of the given census hits. More...
template<int dim>
void swap (GluingPerms< dim > &a, GluingPerms< dim > &b) noexcept
 Swaps the contents of the given gluing permutation sets. More...
CensusPurge operator| (CensusPurgeFlags lhs, CensusPurgeFlags rhs)
 Returns the bitwise OR of the two given flags. More...
const char * versionString ()
 Returns the full version number of this calculation engine. More...
int versionMajor ()
 Returns the major version number of this calculation engine. More...
int versionMinor ()
 Returns the minor version number of this calculation engine. More...
const char * buildInfo ()
 Returns any additional information about this specific build of Regina. More...
bool versionUsesUTF8 (const char *version)
 Did the given version of Regina consistently use UTF-8 in its data files? More...
const char * versionSnapPy ()
 Returns the version of SnapPy whose underlying SnapPea kernel is built into Regina. More...
const char * versionSnapPea ()
 An alias for versionSnapPy(), which returns the version of SnapPy whose underlying SnapPea kernel is built into Regina. More...
bool hasInt128 ()
 Does this particular build of Regina support native 128-bit arithmetic? More...
int politeThreads ()
 A suggestion for user interfaces as to how many threads should be used for parallel computations. More...
int testEngine (int value)
 Tests to see if an interface can successfully communicate with the underlying C++ calculation engine. More...
template<class T , bool supportsUtf8>
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const Output< T, supportsUtf8 > &object)
 Writes the short text representation of the given object to the given output stream. More...
template<typename IntType >
void swap (LPMatrix< IntType > &a, LPMatrix< IntType > &b) noexcept
 Swaps the contents of the given matrices. More...
template<typename IntType >
void swap (LPInitialTableaux< IntType > &a, LPInitialTableaux< IntType > &b) noexcept
 Swaps the contents of the given matrices. More...
template<class LPConstraint , typename IntType >
void swap (LPData< LPConstraint, IntType > &a, LPData< LPConstraint, IntType > &b) noexcept
 Swaps the contents of the given tableaux. More...
template<int nTypes>
void swap (TypeTrie< nTypes > &a, TypeTrie< nTypes > &b) noexcept
 Swaps the contents of the two given tries. More...
void swap (ValidityConstraints &a, ValidityConstraints &b) noexcept
 Swaps the contents of the two given constraint sets. More...
void swap (FileInfo &a, FileInfo &b) noexcept
 Swaps the contents of the two given file information objects. More...
std::shared_ptr< ContainerreadDehydrationList (const char *filename, unsigned colDehydrations=0, int colLabels=-1, unsigned long ignoreLines=0)
 Reads a list of dehydrated triangulations from the given text file. More...
template<class ObjectType >
std::shared_ptr< ContainerreadSigList (const char *filename, unsigned colSigs=0, int colLabels=-1, unsigned long ignoreLines=0)
 Reads a list of isomorphism signatures or knot signatures from the given text file. More...
std::shared_ptr< PacketOf< Triangulation< 3 > > > readOrb (const char *filename)
 Reads a triangulation from the given Orb / Casson file. More...
HyperList operator| (HyperListFlags lhs, HyperListFlags rhs)
 Returns the bitwise OR of the two given flags. More...
HyperAlg operator| (HyperAlgFlags lhs, HyperAlgFlags rhs)
 Returns the bitwise OR of the two given flags. More...
void swap (NormalHypersurface &a, NormalHypersurface &b) noexcept
 Swaps the contents of the given normal hypersurfaces. More...
void swap (NormalHypersurfaces &lhs, NormalHypersurfaces &rhs)
 Swaps the contents of the two given lists. More...
MatrixInt makeMatchingEquations (const Triangulation< 4 > &triangulation, HyperCoords coords)
 Generates the set of normal hypersurface matching equations for the given triangulation using the given coordinate system. More...
ValidityConstraints makeEmbeddedConstraints (const Triangulation< 4 > &triangulation, HyperCoords coords)
 Generates the validity constraints representing the condition that normal hypersurfaces be embedded. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const StrandRef &s)
 Writes a depiction of the given strand reference to the given output stream. More...
void swap (Link &lhs, Link &rhs)
 Swaps the contents of the two given links. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const ModelLinkGraphArc &a)
 Writes a depiction of the given arc reference to the given output stream. More...
void swap (ModelLinkGraph &lhs, ModelLinkGraph &rhs) noexcept
 Swaps the contents of the two given graphs. More...
void swap (Tangle &lhs, Tangle &rhs) noexcept
 Swaps the contents of the two given tangles. More...
void swap (GraphLoop &a, GraphLoop &b) noexcept
 Swaps the contents of the two given graph manifolds. More...
void swap (GraphPair &a, GraphPair &b) noexcept
 Swaps the contents of the two given graph manifolds. More...
void swap (GraphTriple &a, GraphTriple &b) noexcept
 Swaps the contents of the two given graph manifolds. More...
void swap (Handlebody &a, Handlebody &b) noexcept
 Swaps the contents of the two given handlebodies. More...
void swap (LensSpace &a, LensSpace &b) noexcept
 Swaps the contents of the two given lens spaces. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const SFSFibre &f)
 Writes the given fibre in human-readable format to the given output stream. More...
void swap (SFSpace &a, SFSpace &b) noexcept
 Swaps the contents of the two given Seifert fibred spaces. More...
void swap (SFSAlt &a, SFSAlt &b) noexcept
 Swaps the contents of the two given alternative representations of Seifert fibred spaces. More...
void swap (SimpleSurfaceBundle &a, SimpleSurfaceBundle &b) noexcept
 Swaps the contents of the two given surface bundles. More...
void swap (SnapPeaCensusManifold &a, SnapPeaCensusManifold &b) noexcept
 Swaps the contents of the two given SnapPea census manifolds. More...
void swap (TorusBundle &a, TorusBundle &b) noexcept
 Swaps the contents of the two given torus bundles. More...
constexpr int binomSmall (int n, int k)
 Returns the binomial coefficient n choose k in constant time for small arguments (n ≤ 16). More...
constexpr long binomMedium (int n, int k)
 Returns the binomial coefficient n choose k in linear time for medium-sized arguments (n ≤ 29). More...
void swap (Cyclotomic &a, Cyclotomic &b) noexcept
 Swaps the contents of the given field elements. More...
Cyclotomic operator* (Cyclotomic elt, const Rational &scalar)
 Multiplies the given field element by the given rational. More...
Cyclotomic operator* (const Rational &scalar, Cyclotomic elt)
 Multiplies the given field element by the given rational. More...
Cyclotomic operator/ (Cyclotomic elt, const Rational &scalar)
 Divides the given field element by the given rational. More...
Cyclotomic operator+ (const Cyclotomic &lhs, const Cyclotomic &rhs)
 Adds the two given cyclotomic field elements. More...
Cyclotomic operator+ (Cyclotomic &&lhs, const Cyclotomic &rhs)
 Adds the two given cyclotomic field elements. More...
Cyclotomic operator+ (const Cyclotomic &lhs, Cyclotomic &&rhs)
 Adds the two given cyclotomic field elements. More...
Cyclotomic operator+ (Cyclotomic &&lhs, Cyclotomic &&rhs)
 Adds the two given cyclotomic field elements. More...
Cyclotomic operator- (Cyclotomic arg)
 Returns the negative of the given field element. More...
Cyclotomic operator- (const Cyclotomic &lhs, const Cyclotomic &rhs)
 Subtracts the two given cyclotomic field elements. More...
Cyclotomic operator- (Cyclotomic &&lhs, const Cyclotomic &rhs)
 Subtracts the two given cyclotomic field elements. More...
Cyclotomic operator- (const Cyclotomic &lhs, Cyclotomic &&rhs)
 Subtracts the two given cyclotomic field elements. More...
Cyclotomic operator- (Cyclotomic &&lhs, Cyclotomic &&rhs)
 Subtracts the two given cyclotomic field elements. More...
Cyclotomic operator* (const Cyclotomic &lhs, const Cyclotomic &rhs)
 Multiplies the two given cyclotomic field elements. More...
Cyclotomic operator/ (const Cyclotomic &lhs, const Cyclotomic &rhs)
 Divides the two given cyclotomic field elements. More...
template<bool supportInfinity>
void swap (IntegerBase< supportInfinity > &a, IntegerBase< supportInfinity > &b) noexcept
 Swaps the contents of the given integers. More...
template<bool supportInfinity>
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const IntegerBase< supportInfinity > &i)
 Writes the given integer to the given output stream. More...
template<bool supportInfinity>
IntegerBase< supportInfinity > operator+ (long lhs, const IntegerBase< supportInfinity > &rhs)
 Adds the given native integer to the given large integer. More...
template<bool supportInfinity>
IntegerBase< supportInfinity > operator* (long lhs, const IntegerBase< supportInfinity > &rhs)
 Multiplies the given native integer with the given large integer. More...
template<bool supportInfinity>
void tightEncode (std::ostream &out, IntegerBase< supportInfinity > value)
 Writes the tight encoding of the given arbitrary precision integer to the given output stream. More...
template<bool supportInfinity>
std::string tightEncoding (IntegerBase< supportInfinity > value)
 Returns the tight encoding of the given arbitrary precision integer. More...
template<int bytes>
void swap (NativeInteger< bytes > &a, NativeInteger< bytes > &b) noexcept
 Swaps the contents of the given integers. More...
template<int bytes>
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const NativeInteger< bytes > &i)
 Writes the given integer to the given output stream. More...
template<typename T >
void swap (Laurent< T > &a, Laurent< T > &b) noexcept
 Swaps the contents of the given polynomials. More...
template<typename T >
Laurent< T > operator* (Laurent< T > poly, const typename Laurent< T >::Coefficient &scalar)
 Multiplies the given polynomial by the given scalar constant. More...
template<typename T >
Laurent< T > operator* (const typename Laurent< T >::Coefficient &scalar, Laurent< T > poly)
 Multiplies the given polynomial by the given scalar constant. More...
template<typename T >
Laurent< T > operator/ (Laurent< T > poly, const typename Laurent< T >::Coefficient &scalar)
 Divides the given polynomial by the given scalar constant. More...
template<typename T >
Laurent< T > operator+ (const Laurent< T > &lhs, const Laurent< T > &rhs)
 Adds the two given polynomials. More...
template<typename T >
Laurent< T > operator+ (Laurent< T > &&lhs, const Laurent< T > &rhs)
 Adds the two given polynomials. More...
template<typename T >
Laurent< T > operator+ (const Laurent< T > &lhs, Laurent< T > &&rhs)
 Adds the two given polynomials. More...
template<typename T >
Laurent< T > operator+ (Laurent< T > &&lhs, Laurent< T > &&rhs)
 Adds the two given polynomials. More...
template<typename T >
Laurent< T > operator- (Laurent< T > arg)
 Returns the negative of the given polynomial. More...
template<typename T >
Laurent< T > operator- (const Laurent< T > &lhs, const Laurent< T > &rhs)
 Subtracts the two given polynomials. More...
template<typename T >
Laurent< T > operator- (Laurent< T > &&lhs, const Laurent< T > &rhs)
 Subtracts the two given polynomials. More...
template<typename T >
Laurent< T > operator- (const Laurent< T > &lhs, Laurent< T > &&rhs)
 Subtracts the two given polynomials. More...
template<typename T >
Laurent< T > operator- (Laurent< T > &&lhs, Laurent< T > &&rhs)
 Subtracts the two given polynomials. More...
template<typename T >
Laurent< T > operator* (const Laurent< T > &lhs, const Laurent< T > &rhs)
 Multiplies the two given polynomials. More...
template<typename T >
void swap (Laurent2< T > &a, Laurent2< T > &b) noexcept
 Swaps the contents of the given polynomials. More...
template<typename T >
Laurent2< T > operator* (Laurent2< T > poly, const typename Laurent2< T >::Coefficient &scalar)
 Multiplies the given polynomial by the given scalar constant. More...
template<typename T >
Laurent2< T > operator* (const typename Laurent2< T >::Coefficient &scalar, Laurent2< T > poly)
 Multiplies the given polynomial by the given scalar constant. More...
template<typename T >
Laurent2< T > operator/ (Laurent2< T > poly, const typename Laurent2< T >::Coefficient &scalar)
 Divides the given polynomial by the given scalar constant. More...
template<typename T >
Laurent2< T > operator+ (const Laurent2< T > &lhs, const Laurent2< T > &rhs)
 Adds the two given polynomials. More...
template<typename T >
Laurent2< T > operator+ (Laurent2< T > &&lhs, const Laurent2< T > &rhs)
 Adds the two given polynomials. More...
template<typename T >
Laurent2< T > operator+ (const Laurent2< T > &lhs, Laurent2< T > &&rhs)
 Adds the two given polynomials. More...
template<typename T >
Laurent2< T > operator+ (Laurent2< T > &&lhs, Laurent2< T > &&rhs)
 Adds the two given polynomials. More...
template<typename T >
Laurent2< T > operator- (Laurent2< T > arg)
 Returns the negative of the given polynomial. More...
template<typename T >
Laurent2< T > operator- (const Laurent2< T > &lhs, const Laurent2< T > &rhs)
 Subtracts the two given polynomials. More...
template<typename T >
Laurent2< T > operator- (Laurent2< T > &&lhs, const Laurent2< T > &rhs)
 Subtracts the two given polynomials. More...
template<typename T >
Laurent2< T > operator- (const Laurent2< T > &lhs, Laurent2< T > &&rhs)
 Subtracts the two given polynomials. More...
template<typename T >
Laurent2< T > operator- (Laurent2< T > &&lhs, Laurent2< T > &&rhs)
 Subtracts the two given polynomials. More...
template<typename T >
Laurent2< T > operator* (const Laurent2< T > &lhs, const Laurent2< T > &rhs)
 Multiplies the two given polynomials. More...
template<typename T >
void swap (Matrix< T > &a, Matrix< T > &b) noexcept
 Swaps the contents of the given matrices. More...
void swap (Matrix2 &a, Matrix2 &b) noexcept
 Swaps the contents of the two given matrices. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const Matrix2 &mat)
 Writes the given matrix to the given output stream. More...
bool simpler (const Matrix2 &m1, const Matrix2 &m2)
 Determines whether the first given matrix is more aesthetically pleasing than the second. More...
bool simpler (const Matrix2 &pair1first, const Matrix2 &pair1second, const Matrix2 &pair2first, const Matrix2 &pair2second)
 Determines whether the first given pair of matrices is more aesthetically pleasing than the second pair. More...
void smithNormalForm (MatrixInt &matrix)
 Transforms the given integer matrix into Smith normal form. More...
void smithNormalForm (MatrixInt &matrix, MatrixInt &rowSpaceBasis, MatrixInt &rowSpaceBasisInv, MatrixInt &colSpaceBasis, MatrixInt &colSpaceBasisInv)
 A Smith normal form algorithm that also returns change of basis matrices. More...
void metricalSmithNormalForm (MatrixInt &matrix, MatrixInt &rowSpaceBasis, MatrixInt &rowSpaceBasisInv, MatrixInt &colSpaceBasis, MatrixInt &colSpaceBasisInv)
 An alternative Smith normal form algorithm that also returns change of basis matrices. More...
size_t rowBasis (MatrixInt &matrix)
 Find a basis for the row space of the given matrix. More...
size_t rowBasisAndOrthComp (MatrixInt &input, MatrixInt &complement)
 Finds a basis for the row space of the given matrix, as well as an "incremental" basis for its orthogonal complement. More...
void columnEchelonForm (MatrixInt &M, MatrixInt &R, MatrixInt &Ri, const std::vector< size_t > &rowList)
 Transforms a given matrix into column echelon form with respect to a collection of rows. More...
MatrixInt preImageOfLattice (const MatrixInt &hom, const std::vector< Integer > &sublattice)
 Given a homomorphism from Z^n to Z^k and a sublattice of Z^k, compute the preimage of this sublattice under this homomorphism. More...
MatrixInt torsionAutInverse (const MatrixInt &input, const std::vector< Integer > &invF)
 Given an automorphism of an abelian group, this procedure computes the inverse automorphism. More...
long reducedMod (long k, long modBase)
 Reduces k modulo modBase to give the smallest possible absolute value. More...
long gcd (long a, long b)
 Deprecated routine that calculates the greatest common divisor of two signed integers. More...
std::tuple< long, long, long > gcdWithCoeffs (long a, long b)
 Calculates the greatest common divisor of two given integers and finds the smallest coefficients with which these integers combine to give their gcd. More...
long lcm (long a, long b)
 Deprecated routine that calculates the lowest common multiple of two signed integers. More...
unsigned long modularInverse (unsigned long n, unsigned long k)
 Calculates the multiplicative inverse of one integer modulo another. More...
constexpr char digit (int i)
 Returns the character used to express the integer i in a permutation. More...
constexpr int64_t factorial (int n)
 Returns the factorial of n. More...
template<int n>
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const Perm< n > &p)
 Writes a string representation of the given permutation to the given output stream. More...
template<int n>
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const PermClass< n > &c)
 Writes a string representation of the given conjugacy class of permutations to the given output stream. More...
template<typename T >
void swap (Polynomial< T > &a, Polynomial< T > &b) noexcept
 Swaps the contents of the given polynomials. More...
template<typename T >
Polynomial< T > operator* (Polynomial< T > poly, const typename Polynomial< T >::Coefficient &scalar)
 Multiplies the given polynomial by the given scalar constant. More...
template<typename T >
Polynomial< T > operator* (const typename Polynomial< T >::Coefficient &scalar, Polynomial< T > poly)
 Multiplies the given polynomial by the given scalar constant. More...
template<typename T >
Polynomial< T > operator/ (Polynomial< T > poly, const typename Polynomial< T >::Coefficient &scalar)
 Divides the given polynomial by the given scalar constant. More...
template<typename T >
Polynomial< T > operator+ (const Polynomial< T > &lhs, const Polynomial< T > &rhs)
 Adds the two given polynomials. More...
template<typename T >
Polynomial< T > operator+ (Polynomial< T > &&lhs, const Polynomial< T > &rhs)
 Adds the two given polynomials. More...
template<typename T >
Polynomial< T > operator+ (const Polynomial< T > &lhs, Polynomial< T > &&rhs)
 Adds the two given polynomials. More...
template<typename T >
Polynomial< T > operator+ (Polynomial< T > &&lhs, Polynomial< T > &&rhs)
 Adds the two given polynomials. More...
template<typename T >
Polynomial< T > operator- (Polynomial< T > arg)
 Returns the negative of the given polynomial. More...
template<typename T >
Polynomial< T > operator- (const Polynomial< T > &lhs, const Polynomial< T > &rhs)
 Subtracts the two given polynomials. More...
template<typename T >
Polynomial< T > operator- (Polynomial< T > &&lhs, const Polynomial< T > &rhs)
 Subtracts the two given polynomials. More...
template<typename T >
Polynomial< T > operator- (const Polynomial< T > &lhs, Polynomial< T > &&rhs)
 Subtracts the two given polynomials. More...
template<typename T >
Polynomial< T > operator- (Polynomial< T > &&lhs, Polynomial< T > &&rhs)
 Subtracts the two given polynomials. More...
template<typename T >
Polynomial< T > operator* (const Polynomial< T > &lhs, const Polynomial< T > &rhs)
 Multiplies the two given polynomials. More...
template<typename T >
Polynomial< T > operator/ (Polynomial< T > lhs, const Polynomial< T > &rhs)
 Divides the two given polynomials. More...
void swap (Rational &a, Rational &b) noexcept
 Swaps the contents of the given rationals. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const Rational &rat)
 Writes the given rational to the given output stream. More...
template<typename T >
void swap (Vector< T > &a, Vector< T > &b) noexcept
 Swaps the contents of the given vectors. More...
template<class T >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const Vector< T > &vector)
 Writes the given vector to the given output stream. More...
void swap (Attachment &a, Attachment &b)
 Swaps the contents of the given attachment packets. More...
void swap (Container &, Container &)
 Swap function for container packets that does nothing. More...
template<typename Held >
std::shared_ptr< PacketOf< Held > > make_packet (Held &&src)
 Converts a temporary Held object into a new wrapped packet, without making a deep copy. More...
template<typename Held >
std::shared_ptr< PacketOf< Held > > make_packet (Held &&src, const std::string &label)
 Converts a temporary Held object into a new wrapped packet, without making a deep copy. More...
template<typename Held , typename... Args>
std::shared_ptr< PacketOf< Held > > make_packet (std::in_place_t, Args &&... args)
 Creates a new packet that wraps a Held object, passing the given arguments to the Held constructor. More...
template<typename Held >
std::shared_ptr< PacketOf< Held > > make_packet ()
 Creates a new packet that wraps a default-constructed Held object. More...
template<typename Held >
Held & static_packet_cast (Packet &p)
 Casts a reference from Packet to Held, assuming that the given packet is actually a PacketOf<Held>. More...
template<typename Held >
const Held & static_packet_cast (const Packet &p)
 Casts a const reference from Packet to Held, assuming that the given packet is actually a PacketOf<Held>. More...
std::shared_ptr< Packetopen (const char *filename)
 Reads a Regina data file, and returns the corresponding packet tree. More...
std::shared_ptr< Packetopen (std::istream &in)
 Reads a Regina data file from the given input stream, and returns the corresponding packet tree. More...
bool operator== (const Packet *packet, PacketShell shell)
 Identifies if the given shell refers to the given packet. More...
bool operator!= (const Packet *packet, PacketShell shell)
 Identifies if the given shell does not refer to the given packet. More...
void swap (Script &a, Script &b)
 Swaps the contents of the given script packets. More...
void swap (Text &a, Text &b)
 Swaps the contents of the given text packets. More...
constexpr bool standardDim (int dim)
 Indicates whether the given dimension is one of Regina's standard dimensions. More...
constexpr int maxDim ()
 Indicates that largest dimension of triangulation that Regina can work with. More...
void swap (SnapPeaTriangulation &lhs, SnapPeaTriangulation &rhs)
 Swaps the contents of the two given SnapPea triangulations. More...
void swap (SigPartialIsomorphism &a, SigPartialIsomorphism &b) noexcept
 Swaps the contents of the given partial isomorphisms. More...
void swap (Signature &a, Signature &b) noexcept
 Swaps the contents of the given signatures. More...
void swap (AugTriSolidTorus &a, AugTriSolidTorus &b) noexcept
 Swaps the contents of the two given structures. More...
void swap (BlockedSFS &a, BlockedSFS &b) noexcept
 Swaps the contents of the two given structures. More...
void swap (BlockedSFSLoop &a, BlockedSFSLoop &b) noexcept
 Swaps the contents of the two given structures. More...
void swap (BlockedSFSPair &a, BlockedSFSPair &b) noexcept
 Swaps the contents of the two given structures. More...
void swap (BlockedSFSTriple &a, BlockedSFSTriple &b) noexcept
 Swaps the contents of the two given structures. More...
void swap (LayeredChain &a, LayeredChain &b) noexcept
 Swaps the contents of the two given structures. More...
void swap (LayeredChainPair &a, LayeredChainPair &b) noexcept
 Swaps the contents of the two given structures. More...
void swap (LayeredLensSpace &a, LayeredLensSpace &b) noexcept
 Swaps the contents of the two given structures. More...
void swap (LayeredLoop &a, LayeredLoop &b) noexcept
 Swaps the contents of the two given structures. More...
void swap (LayeredSolidTorus &a, LayeredSolidTorus &b) noexcept
 Swaps the contents of the two given structures. More...
void swap (LayeredTorusBundle &a, LayeredTorusBundle &b) noexcept
 Swaps the contents of the two given structures. More...
void swap (PluggedTorusBundle &a, PluggedTorusBundle &b) noexcept
 Swaps the contents of the two given structures. More...
void swap (PlugTriSolidTorus &a, PlugTriSolidTorus &b) noexcept
 Swaps the contents of the two given structures. More...
void swap (SatBlockModel &a, SatBlockModel &b) noexcept
 Swaps the contents of the two given models. More...
void swap (SatBlockSpec &a, SatBlockSpec &b) noexcept
 Swaps the contents of the two given structures. More...
void swap (SatRegion &a, SatRegion &b) noexcept
 Swaps the contents of the two given regions. More...
void swap (SnapPeaCensusTri &a, SnapPeaCensusTri &b) noexcept
 Swaps the contents of the two given structures. More...
void swap (SnappedBall &a, SnappedBall &b) noexcept
 Swaps the contents of the two given structures. More...
void swap (SpiralSolidTorus &a, SpiralSolidTorus &b) noexcept
 Swaps the contents of the two given structures. More...
void swap (TriSolidTorus &a, TriSolidTorus &b) noexcept
 Swaps the contents of the two given structures. More...
void swap (TrivialTri &a, TrivialTri &b) noexcept
 Swaps the contents of the two given structures. More...
void swap (TxIDiagonalCore &lhs, TxIDiagonalCore &rhs)
 Swaps the contents of the two given T x I triangulations. More...
void swap (TxIParallelCore &lhs, TxIParallelCore &rhs)
 Swaps the contents of the two given T x I triangulations. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const DiscSpec &spec)
 Writes the given disc specifier to the given output stream. More...
bool numberDiscsAwayFromVertex (int discType, int vertex)
 Determines whether or not normal discs of the given type are numbered away from the given vertex. More...
bool discOrientationFollowsEdge (int discType, int vertex, int edgeStart, int edgeEnd)
 Determines whether or not the natural boundary orientation of a normal disc of the given type follows the given directed normal arc. More...
template<class T >
void swap (DiscSetTetData< T > &a, DiscSetTetData< T > &b) noexcept
 Swaps the contents of the two given disc sets. More...
template<class T >
void swap (DiscSetSurfaceDataImpl< T > &a, DiscSetSurfaceDataImpl< T > &b) noexcept
 Swaps the contents of the two given disc sets. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const DiscType &type)
 Writes the given disc type to the given output stream. More...
NormalList operator| (NormalListFlags lhs, NormalListFlags rhs)
 Returns the bitwise OR of the two given flags. More...
NormalAlg operator| (NormalAlgFlags lhs, NormalAlgFlags rhs)
 Returns the bitwise OR of the two given flags. More...
void swap (NormalSurface &a, NormalSurface &b) noexcept
 Swaps the contents of the given normal surfaces. More...
SurfaceExport operator| (SurfaceExportFields lhs, SurfaceExportFields rhs)
 Returns the bitwise OR of the two given flags. More...
void swap (NormalSurfaces &lhs, NormalSurfaces &rhs)
 Swaps the contents of the two given lists. More...
MatrixInt makeMatchingEquations (const Triangulation< 3 > &triangulation, NormalCoords coords)
 Generates the set of normal surface matching equations for the given triangulation using the given coordinate system. More...
ValidityConstraints makeEmbeddedConstraints (const Triangulation< 3 > &triangulation, NormalCoords coords)
 Generates the validity constraints representing the condition that normal surfaces be embedded. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const PrismSpec &spec)
 Writes the given prism specifier to the given output stream. More...
void swap (SurfaceFilterCombination &a, SurfaceFilterCombination &b)
 Swaps the contents of the given combination filters. More...
void swap (SurfaceFilterProperties &a, SurfaceFilterProperties &b)
 Swaps the contents of the given property-based filters. More...
void swap (TreeDecomposition &a, TreeDecomposition &b) noexcept
 Swaps the contents of the two given tree decompositions. More...
void swap (Cut &a, Cut &b) noexcept
 Swaps the contents of the given cuts. More...
template<int dim>
void swap (FacetPairing< dim > &a, FacetPairing< dim > &b) noexcept
 Swaps the contents of the given facet pairings. More...
template<int dim>
void swap (Triangulation< dim > &lhs, Triangulation< dim > &rhs)
 Swaps the contents of the two given triangulations. More...
void swap (HomologicalData &a, HomologicalData &b) noexcept
 Swaps the contents of the two given HomologicalData objects. More...
Triangulation< 3 > & static_triangulation3_cast (Packet &p)
 Casts a reference from Packet to Triangulation<3>, allowing for the packet to hold either a Triangulation<3> or a SnapPeaTriangulation. More...
const Triangulation< 3 > & static_triangulation3_cast (const Packet &p)
 Casts a const reference from Packet to Triangulation<3>, allowing for the packet to hold either a Triangulation<3> or a SnapPeaTriangulation. More...
template<int dim>
constexpr int faceOppositeEdge (int i, int j)
 Returns the (dim-2)-face number that is opposite the edge joining vertices i and j in a dim-dimensional simplex. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const FacePair &pair)
 Writes the given face pair to the given output stream. More...
template<int dim>
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const FacetSpec< dim > &spec)
 Writes the given facet specifier to the given output stream. More...
template<int dim>
void swap (Isomorphism< dim > &a, Isomorphism< dim > &b) noexcept
 Swaps the contents of the given isomorphisms. More...
size_t base64Length (size_t bytes)
 Returns the number of base64 characters required to encode the given number of bytes. More...
bool isBase64 (char ch)
 Determines whether the given character is a base64 printable character as used by the base64 routines in Regina. More...
void base64Encode (const char *in, size_t inlen, char *out, size_t outlen)
 Encodes the given sequence of raw bytes in base64, and writes the results into a preallocated output buffer. More...
size_t base64Encode (const char *in, size_t inlen, char **out)
 Encodes the given sequence of raw bytes in base64, and passes back a newly allocated array containing the results. More...
bool base64Decode (const char *in, size_t inlen, char *out, size_t *outlen)
 Decodes the given sequence of base64 characters, and writes the resulting raw bytes into a preallocated output buffer. More...
bool base64Decode (const char *in, size_t inlen, char **out, size_t *outlen)
 Decodes the given sequence of base64 characters, and passes back a newly allocated array containing the results. More...
void swap (Bitmask &a, Bitmask &b) noexcept
 Swaps the contents of the two given bitmasks. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const Bitmask &mask)
 Writes the given bitmask to the given output stream as a sequence of zeroes and ones. More...
template<typename T >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const Bitmask1< T > &mask)
 Writes the given bitmask to the given output stream as a sequence of zeroes and ones. More...
template<typename T , typename U >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const Bitmask2< T, U > &mask)
 Writes the given bitmask to the given output stream as a sequence of zeroes and ones. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, BoolSet set)
 Writes the given boolean set to the given output stream. More...
template<typename IntType >
constexpr int bitsRequired (IntType n)
 Returns the number of bits required to store integers in the range 0,...,n-1. More...
template<typename IntType >
constexpr IntType nextPowerOfTwo (IntType n)
 Returns the smallest integer power of two that is greater than or equal to the given argument n. More...
template<typename T >
void swap (MarkedVector< T > &a, MarkedVector< T > &b) noexcept
 Swaps the contents of the given vectors. More...
std::tuple< unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long > resUsage ()
 Returns time and memory usage for the current process, for use on Linux systems. More...
void writeResUsage (std::ostream &out)
 Writes time and memory usage for the current process to the given output stream, for use on Linux systems. More...
template<typename T >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const Qitmask1< T > &mask)
 Writes the given qitmask to the given output stream as a sequence of digits (0, 1, 2 and/or 3). More...
template<typename T , typename U >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const Qitmask2< T, U > &mask)
 Writes the given qitmask to the given output stream as a sequence of digits (0, 1, 2 and/or 3). More...
template<typename T >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const LightweightSequence< T > &s)
 Writes the given sequence to the given output stream. More...
template<typename T >
void swap (LightweightSequence< T > &a, LightweightSequence< T > &b) noexcept
 Swaps the contents of the given sequences. More...
template<class T >
void swap (SnapshotRef< T > &a, SnapshotRef< T > &b) noexcept
 Swaps the given references so that they refer to each others' snapshots. More...
bool startsWith (const std::string &str, const std::string &prefix)
 Determines whether the given C++ string begins with the given prefix. More...
std::string stripWhitespace (const std::string &str)
 Strips all whitespace from the beginning and end of the given C++ string. More...
bool valueOf (const std::string &str, int8_t &dest)
 Converts the entire given string to an 8-bit integer and reports whether this conversion was successful. More...
bool valueOf (const std::string &str, uint8_t &dest)
 Converts the entire given string to an unsigned 8-bit integer and reports whether this conversion was successful. More...
bool valueOf (const std::string &str, short &dest)
 Converts the entire given string to a short integer and reports whether this conversion was successful. More...
bool valueOf (const std::string &str, unsigned short &dest)
 Converts the entire given string to an unsigned short integer and reports whether this conversion was successful. More...
bool valueOf (const std::string &str, int &dest)
 Converts the entire given string to an integer and reports whether this conversion was successful. More...
bool valueOf (const std::string &str, unsigned &dest)
 Converts the entire given string to an unsigned integer and reports whether this conversion was successful. More...
bool valueOf (const std::string &str, long &dest)
 Converts the entire given string to a long integer and reports whether this conversion was successful. More...
bool valueOf (const std::string &str, unsigned long &dest)
 Converts the entire given string to an unsigned long integer and reports whether this conversion was successful. More...
bool valueOf (const std::string &str, long long &dest)
 Converts the entire given string to a long long integer and reports whether this conversion was successful. More...
bool valueOf (const std::string &str, unsigned long long &dest)
 Converts the entire given string to an unsigned long long integer and reports whether this conversion was successful. More...
bool valueOf (const std::string &str, double &dest)
 Converts the entire given string to a double precision real number and reports whether this conversion was successful. More...
bool valueOf (const std::string &str, bool &dest)
 Converts the entire given string to a boolean and reports whether this conversion was successful. More...
bool valueOf (const std::string &str, BoolSet &dest)
 Converts the entire given string to a set of booleans and reports whether this conversion was successful. More...
std::vector< std::string > basicTokenise (const std::string &str)
 Decomposes the given string into tokens. More...
std::string stringToToken (std::string str)
 Returns a token derived from the given string. More...
template<typename T >
std::string superscript (T value)
 Converts the given C++ integer into a unicode superscript string. More...
template<typename T >
std::string subscript (T value)
 Converts the given C++ integer into a unicode subscript string. More...
void tightEncode (std::ostream &out, int value)
 Writes the tight encoding of the given signed integer to the given output stream. More...
std::string tightEncoding (int value)
 Returns the tight encoding of the given signed integer. More...
void tightEncode (std::ostream &out, long value)
 Writes the tight encoding of the given signed long integer to the given output stream. More...
std::string tightEncoding (long value)
 Returns the tight encoding of the given signed long integer. More...
void tightEncode (std::ostream &out, long long value)
 Writes the tight encoding of the given signed long long integer to the given output stream. More...
std::string tightEncoding (long long value)
 Returns the tight encoding of the given signed long long integer. More...
void tightEncode (std::ostream &out, unsigned value)
 Writes the tight encoding of the given unsigned integer to the given output stream. More...
std::string tightEncoding (unsigned value)
 Returns the tight encoding of the given unsigned integer. More...
void tightEncode (std::ostream &out, unsigned long value)
 Writes the tight encoding of the given unsigned long integer to the given output stream. More...
std::string tightEncoding (unsigned long value)
 Returns the tight encoding of the given unsigned long integer. More...
void tightEncode (std::ostream &out, unsigned long long value)
 Writes the tight encoding of the given unsigned long long integer to the given output stream. More...
std::string tightEncoding (unsigned long long value)
 Returns the tight encoding of the given unsigned long long integer. More...
void tightEncode (std::ostream &out, bool value)
 Writes the tight encoding of the given boolean to the given output stream. More...
std::string tightEncoding (bool value)
 Returns the tight encoding of the given boolean. More...
template<typename Int >
Int tightDecoding (const std::string &enc)
 Reconstructs an integer or boolean from its given tight encoding. More...
template<typename Int >
Int tightDecode (std::istream &input)
 Reconstructs an integer or boolean from its given tight encoding. More...
void swap (TrieSet &a, TrieSet &b) noexcept
 Swaps the contents of the two given collections. More...
template<int from, int to, class Action >
constexpr void for_constexpr (Action &&action)
 Implements a compile-time for loop over a range of integers. More...
template<int from, int to, typename Return , class Action >
constexpr Return select_constexpr (int value, Action &&action)
 Implements a compile-time selection, where the runtime argument must belong to a compile-time range of integers, and the value of the argument determines what is returned. More...
template<int from, int to, class Action >
constexpr auto select_constexpr_as_variant (int value, Action &&action)
 A variant of select_constexpr() where the return type is a variant, built from the return types for all integers in the given compile-time range. More...
const char * pythonTypename (const std::type_info *t)
 Returns the preferred Python display name for the given C++ type. More...


template<typename Held >
static constexpr PacketType packetTypeHolds = PACKET_NONE
 The packet type constant for a packet wrapping an object of type Held. More...
constexpr int quadSeparating [4][4]
 Lists which quadrilateral types separate which pairs of vertices in a tetrahedron. More...
constexpr int quadMeeting [4][4][2]
 Lists which quadrilateral types meet which edges in a tetrahedron. More...
constexpr int quadDefn [3][4]
 Lists which vertices each quadrilateral type separates in a tetrahedron. More...
constexpr int quadPartner [3][4]
 Lists the second vertex with which each vertex is paired under each quadrilateral type in a tetrahedron. More...
constexpr char quadString [3][6] = { "01/23", "02/13", "03/12" }
 Contains strings that can be used to represent each quadrilateral type in a tetrahedron. More...
constexpr Perm< 4 > triDiscArcs [4][3]
 Lists in consecutive order the directed normal arcs that form the boundary of each type of triangular normal disc. More...
constexpr Perm< 4 > quadDiscArcs [3][4]
 Lists in consecutive order the directed normal arcs that form the boundary of each type of quadrilateral normal disc. More...
constexpr Perm< 4 > octDiscArcs [3][8]
 Lists in consecutive order the directed normal arcs that form the boundary of each type of octagonal normal disc. More...
constexpr char base64Table []
 The table of all base64 printable characters, as used by the base64 routines in Regina. More...
constexpr char base64Spare [] = "_-."
 A table of printable characters that are not amongst the base64 printable characters used by Regina. More...
template<typename IntType , IntType coeff>
constexpr IntType maxSafeFactor
 The largest integer of the given type that can be multiplied by coeff without overflowing. More...
template<typename IntType , IntType coeff>
constexpr IntType minSafeFactor
 The largest integer of the given type that can be multiplied by coeff without overflowing. More...

Detailed Description

Contains the entire Regina calculation engine.

Define REGINA_VERIFY_LPDATA to check invariants as the algorithm runs.

This checking is slow and can increase the running time significantly.

Typedef Documentation

◆ safe_tuple_element

template<int pos, typename tuple , typename out_of_range = void>
using regina::safe_tuple_element = typedef typename regina::detail::safe_tuple_element_impl< pos, tuple, out_of_range>::type

An alternative to std::tuple_element that gracefully handles an out-of-range index.

If pos is a valid index into the tuple type tuple, then this type alias is identical to std::tuple_element<pos, tuple>::type. Otherwise this type alias is identical to the argument out_of_range.

Note that you should not append ::type when using safe_tuple_element (i.e., this is really a drop-in replacement for the C++17 type alias std::tuple_element_t, and not the C++11 structure std::tuple_element).

Template Parameters
posan index, which may take any integer value.
tuplea std::tuple type (which is allowed to include const and/or volatile modifiers).
out_of_rangethe type to use if pos is not a valid index into tuple.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ NamedPermGroup

Constants that represent particular well-known classes of permutation groups.

These constants are intended to be used with permutation groups on n elements for arbitrary n. (In particular, you can pass them to the PermGroup<n> constructor.)


Represents the trivial group on n elements, containing only the identity permutation.


Represents the symmetric group on n elements, containing all n! possible permutations.


Represents the alternating group on n elements, containing all n!/2 even permutations.

◆ PacketHeldBy

Internal constants that support wrapped packets.

These constants indicate whether an object of type Held is in fact part of the inherited interface for a derived class of Held, which is typically the wrapped packet type PacketOf<Held>. These constants are used as a lightweight (and significantly less rich) replacement for polymorphism, virtual functions and dynamic casts.

These constants only know about two types of relationships:

  • an object of type Held being part of a larger PacketOf<Held> (indicated by the constant HELD_BY_PACKET);
  • an object of type Triangulation<3> being part of a larger SnapPeaTriangulation (indicated by the constant HELD_BY_SNAPPEA).

Of course, a Triangulation<3> could belong to a SnapPeaTriangulation which is then held by a PacketOf<SnapPeaTriangulation>. In this case the inherited PacketData<Triangulation<3>> will store HELD_BY_SNAPPEA, and the inherited PacketData<SnapPeaTriangulation> will store HELD_BY_PACKET.

Not present.

Indicates that the object is not held within either a wrapped packet or a SnapPea triangulation.


Indicates that an object of type Held is in fact the inherited data for a PacketOf<Held>.


Indicates that a Triangulation<3> is in fact the inherited native Regina data for a SnapPeaTriangulation.

Function Documentation

◆ pythonTypename()

const char * regina::pythonTypename ( const std::type_info *  t)

Returns the preferred Python display name for the given C++ type.

The Python bindings have an internal mechanism for converting any C++ type into a suitable display name. However, for some of Regina's classes the results are not ideal.

For example, the 3-D triangulation class may be displayed as regina::Triangulation<3> instead of its "real" Python name regina.Triangulation3. (This kind of problem most commonly appears in docstrings, where function signatures are generated as each function is bound, which may happen before all of the types in the argument/return list have been bound.)

The purpose of this function is to override this default typename conversion mechanism. If the C++ type referred to by t has a known Python name that should always be used, this function will return it. Otherwise this function returns nullptr, indicating that the default conversion mechanism should be used.

Not present.
tan object that references the C++ type whose display name we wish to obtain.
the preferred display name for this type in Python, or nullptr if the default C++-to-Python name conversion mechanism should be used.

◆ tightDecode()

template<typename Int >
Int regina::tightDecode ( std::istream &  input)

Reconstructs an integer or boolean from its given tight encoding.

See the page on tight encodings for details.

The tight encoding will be read from the given input stream. If the input stream contains leading whitespace then it will be treated as an invalid encoding (i.e., this routine will throw an exception). The input routine may contain further data: if this routine is successful then the input stream will be left positioned immediately after the encoding, without skipping any trailing whitespace.

This routine does recognise infinity in the case where Int is the type regina::LargeInteger.

If Int is one of Regina's arbitrary precision integer types, then this routine is identical to calling Int::tightDecode().

Some components of this routine are implemented in a separate header (tightencoding-impl.h), which is not included automatically by this file. Most end users should not need this extra header, since Regina's calculation engine already includes explicit instantiations for all of the types that have corresponding global tightEncode() functions (i.e., bool; signed and unsigned int, long, and long long; and regina::Integer and regina::LargeInteger).
InvalidInputThe given input stream does not begin with a tight encoding of an integer/boolean of type Int. This includes the case where the encoding is a valid integer encoding but the integer itself is outside the allowed range for the Int type.
Not present. Use regina::tightDecoding() instead, which takes a string as its argument.
Template Parameters
IntThe type of integer/boolean to reconstruct; this must be either (i) a native C++ integer type or bool, or (ii) one of Regina's arbitrary precision integer types (i.e., regina::Integer or regina::LargeInteger).
inputan input stream that begins with the tight encoding for an integer or boolean.
the integer or boolean represented by the given tight encoding.

◆ tightDecoding()

template<typename Int >
Int regina::tightDecoding ( const std::string &  enc)

Reconstructs an integer or boolean from its given tight encoding.

See the page on tight encodings for details.

The tight encoding should be given as a string. If this string contains leading whitespace or any trailing characters at all (including trailing whitespace), then it will be treated as an invalid encoding (i.e., this routine will throw an exception).

This routine does recognise infinity in the case where Int is the type regina::LargeInteger.

If Int is one of Regina's arbitrary precision integer types, then this routine is identical to calling Int::tightDecoding().

Some components of this routine are implemented in a separate header (tightencoding-impl.h), which is not included automatically by this file. Most end users should not need this extra header, since Regina's calculation engine already includes explicit instantiations for all of the types that have corresponding global tightEncode() functions (i.e., bool; signed and unsigned int, long, and long long; and regina::Integer and regina::LargeInteger).
InvalidArgumentThe given string is not a tight encoding of an integer/boolean of type Int. This includes the case where the encoding is a valid integer encoding but the integer itself is outside the allowed range for the Int type.
Since Python does not support templates, the interface for this routine is a little different. The global routine regina::tightDecoding() will return a Python integer; since these are arbitrary precision, the decoding will never encounter an out-of-range exceptions as it might with a native C++ integer type. If you are trying to reconstruct a boolean, then the integer you receive will be either 1 or 0 to represent true or false respectively. If you are trying to reconstruct one of Regina's arbitrary precision integer types, you should instead call Integer::tightDecoding() or LargeInteger::tightDecoding(), which will return a Regina integer instead of a Python integer.
Template Parameters
IntThe type of integer/boolean to reconstruct; this must be either (i) a native C++ integer type or bool, or (ii) one of Regina's arbitrary precision integer types (i.e., regina::Integer or regina::LargeInteger).
encthe tight encoding for an integer or boolean.
the integer or boolean represented by the given tight encoding.

◆ writeResUsage()

void regina::writeResUsage ( std::ostream &  out)

Writes time and memory usage for the current process to the given output stream, for use on Linux systems.

This simply writes the information gathered from resUsage() to the given output stream in a human-readable format. See resUsage() for full details on what this information means and on what systems it can be accessed.

The output will be written in the following format, with no final newline, and without flushing the output stream:

utime=..., stime=..., vsize=...

Unline resUsage(), if an error occurs then this routine will not throw an exception. Instead it will write an appropriate message to the output stream.

Not present. Instead use the variant resUsage() that takes no arguments and returns a tuple.
outthe output stream to which to write.

Variable Documentation

◆ packetTypeHolds

template<typename Held >
constexpr PacketType regina::packetTypeHolds = PACKET_NONE

The packet type constant for a packet wrapping an object of type Held.

This variable is only meaningful when Held is not itself a packet type, but instead is a standalone type that can (if desired) be wrapped in a packet of type PacketOf<Held>. Examples of such types include Link and Triangulation<dim>.

In all other cases, this variable will be PACKET_NONE.

In particular, if Held is a full packet type itself (such as Container, Script, or PacketOf<...>), then this template variable will be PACKET_NONE.

Not present.

Copyright © 1999-2023, The Regina development team
This software is released under the GNU General Public License, with some additional permissions; see the source code for details.
For further information, or to submit a bug or other problem, please contact Ben Burton (