Regina 7.3 Calculation Engine
regina::GluingPermSearcher< dim > Class Template Reference

A utility class used to build a census of triangulations, by searching through all possible sets of gluing permutations to match a given facet pairing. More...

Detailed Description

template<int dim>
class regina::GluingPermSearcher< dim >

A utility class used to build a census of triangulations, by searching through all possible sets of gluing permutations to match a given facet pairing.

Currently this class is only implemented in Regina's standard dimensions. In higher dimensions, the class GluingPermSearcher<dim> remains undefined, as a placeholder for if/when Regina implements higher-dimensional census code.

Gluing permutation searchers are designed to manage the construction of a large census of triangulations, and so they cannot be copied, moved or swapped. They can be constructed manually if you need fine-grained control, but often this is not necessary either; instead you can run a "typical" census using the static routine GluingPermSearcher<dim>::findAllPerms().

For further information, see the documentation for the specialisations GluingPermSearcher<2>, GluingPermSearcher<3> and GluingPermSearcher<4>.

Python does not support templates. Instead this class can be used by appending the dimension as a suffix (e.g., GluingPermSearcher2 and GluingPermSearcher3 for dimensions 2 and 3).

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

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This software is released under the GNU General Public License, with some additional permissions; see the source code for details.
For further information, or to submit a bug or other problem, please contact Ben Burton (