►Cregina::Base64SigEncoding | General helper tools for signatures that use base64 encodings |
Cregina::IsoSigPrintable< dim > | The default encoding to use for isomorphism signatures |
►Cregina::BitManipulatorBySize< T, size > | Contains implementation details for BitManipulator where we optimise according to the size of the underlying data type |
Cregina::BitManipulator< T > | An optimised class for bitwise analysis and manipulation of native data types |
►Cregina::BitManipulatorByType< T > | Contains implementation details for BitManipulator where we optimise according to the underlying data type |
Cregina::BitManipulator< T > | An optimised class for bitwise analysis and manipulation of native data types |
Cregina::Bitmask | A bitmask that can store arbitrarily many true-or-false bits |
Cregina::Bitmask1< T > | A small but extremely fast bitmask class that can store up to 8 * sizeof(T) true-or-false bits |
Cregina::Bitmask2< T, U > | A small but extremely fast bitmask class that can store up to 8 * sizeof(T) + 8 * sizeof(U) true-or-false bits |
Cregina::BoolSet | A set of booleans |
Cregina::CallableArg< Action, pos > | A traits class that deduces the type of the argument in a given position for a callable object |
Cregina::Census | A utility class used to search for triangulations across one or more 3-manifold census databases |
Cregina::CensusDB | Stores the location and description of one of Regina's in-built census databases |
Cregina::CensusHit | Stores a single "hit" indicating that some given triangulation has been located in one of Regina's in-built census databases |
Cregina::Packet::ChangeEventSpan | An object that facilitates firing packetToBeChanged() and packetWasChanged() events |
Cregina::PacketData< Held >::ChangeEventSpan | An object that facilitates firing packetToBeChanged() and packetWasChanged() events |
Cregina::ChildIterator< const_ > | A forward iterator for iterating through all immediate children of a given packet |
Cregina::detail::ConstArrayOf< T, dim > | Provides some implementation details for TableView |
Cregina::DegreeGreaterThan< dim, subdim > | Deprecated function object used for sorting faces of triangulations by decreasing degree |
Cregina::DegreeLessThan< dim, subdim > | Deprecated function object used for sorting faces of triangulations by increasing degree |
Cregina::DiscSetSurfaceDataImpl< TetData > | Stores a piece of data alongside every normal disc within a particular normal surface |
►Cregina::DiscSetTet | Represents a set of normal discs inside a single tetrahedron |
Cregina::DiscSetTetData< T > | Stores data of type T for every normal disc inside a single tetrahedron |
Cregina::DiscSpec | Specifies a single normal disc in a normal surface |
Cregina::DiscSpecIterator< TetData > | A forward iterator used for running through all normal discs in a normal surface |
Cregina::DiscType | Identifies a single normal or almost normal disc type within a triangulation |
Cregina::DoubleDescription | Implements a modified double description method for polytope vertex enumeration |
►Cstd::enable_shared_from_this | |
►Cregina::Packet | Represents a packet of information that may be individually edited or operated upon |
Cregina::Attachment | A packet that can hold an arbitrary file attachment |
Cregina::Container | A packet that simply contains other packets |
Cregina::PacketOf< Held > | A packet that stores a mathematical object of type Held |
Cregina::Script | A packet representing a Python script that can be run |
►Cregina::SurfaceFilter | A packet that accepts or rejects normal surfaces |
Cregina::SurfaceFilterCombination | A normal surface filter that simply combines other filters |
Cregina::SurfaceFilterProperties | A normal surface filter that filters by basic properties of the normal surface |
Cregina::Text | A packet representing a text string |
Cregina::EnableIf< condition, T, defaultValue > | A struct that holds either a single value of type T or nothing at all, depending on whether the given compile-time condition holds |
Cregina::EnableIf< allowsInvalidFaces &&! standardDim(dim), bool, true > | |
Cregina::EnableIf< allowsInvalidFaces &&standardDim(dim), unsigned, VALID > | |
Cregina::EnableIf< allowsNonOrientableLinks, bool, true > | |
Cregina::EnableIf< canBuild, regina::Triangulation< dim-1 > *, nullptr > | |
Cregina::EnableIf<! allFaces, size_t, 0 > | |
Cregina::detail::ExampleFromLowDim< dim, available > | Helper class that builds various dim-dimensional triangulations from (dim-1)-dimensional triangulations |
►Cregina::detail::ExampleFromLowDim< dim, dim !=2 > | |
►Cregina::detail::ExampleBase< 2 > | |
Cregina::Example< 2 > | Offers routines for constructing a variety of sample 2-dimensional triangulations |
►Cregina::detail::ExampleBase< 3 > | |
Cregina::Example< 3 > | Offers routines for constructing a variety of sample 3-dimensional triangulations |
►Cregina::detail::ExampleBase< 4 > | |
Cregina::Example< 4 > | Offers routines for constructing a variety of sample 4-dimensional triangulations |
►Cregina::detail::ExampleBase< dim > | Provides core functionality for constructing example dim-dimensional triangulations |
Cregina::Example< dim > | This class offers static routines for constructing a variety of sample dim-dimensional triangulations |
Cregina::detail::ExampleFromLowDim< dim, false > | Helper class that builds various dim-dimensional triangulations from (dim-1)-dimensional triangulations |
Cregina::ExampleLink | This class offers routines for constructing ready-made examples of knots and links |
Cregina::ExampleSnapPea | This class offers routines for constructing various example SnapPea triangulations |
►Cstd::exception | |
Cregina::SnapPeaMemoryFull | An exception that is thrown when the SnapPea kernel finds that all available memory has been exhausted |
Cregina::SnapshotWriteError | An exception thrown when someone tries to modify the read-only deep copy taken by a snapshot |
Cregina::alias::FaceNumber< Derived, subdim > | Helper class that provides a dimension-specific alias for face(), where reasonable |
Cregina::alias::FaceNumber< Derived, 0 > | Helper class that provides a dimension-specific alias for face() |
Cregina::alias::FaceNumber< Derived, 1 > | Helper class that provides a dimension-specific alias for face() |
Cregina::alias::FaceNumber< Derived, 2 > | Helper class that provides a dimension-specific alias for face() |
Cregina::alias::FaceNumber< Derived, 3 > | Helper class that provides a dimension-specific alias for face() |
Cregina::alias::FaceNumber< Derived, 4 > | Helper class that provides a dimension-specific alias for face() |
►Cregina::alias::FaceNumber< FaceEmbeddingBase< dim, subdim >, subdim > | |
►Cregina::detail::FaceEmbeddingBase< dim, subdim > | Helper class that provides core functionality for describing how a subdim-face of a dim-dimensional triangulation appears within each top-dimensional simplex |
Cregina::FaceEmbedding< dim, subdim > | Details how a subdim-face of a dim-dimensional triangulation appears within each top-dimensional simplex |
►Cregina::detail::FaceNumberingAPI< dim, subdim > | Placeholder class that outlines the functions provided by FaceNumbering<dim, subdim> |
►Cregina::detail::FaceNumberingImpl< dim, subdim, codim > | Implementation details for numbering subdim-faces of a dim-dimensional simplex |
►Cregina::FaceNumbering< dim, subdim > | Specifies how subdim-faces are numbered within a dim-dimensional simplex |
►Cregina::detail::FaceBase< 3, 0 > | |
Cregina::Face< 3, 0 > | Represents a vertex in the skeleton of a 3-manifold triangulation |
►Cregina::detail::FaceBase< 3, 1 > | |
Cregina::Face< 3, 1 > | Represents an edge in the skeleton of a 3-manifold triangulation |
►Cregina::detail::FaceBase< 3, 2 > | |
Cregina::Face< 3, 2 > | Represents a triangle in the skeleton of a 3-manifold triangulation |
►Cregina::detail::FaceBase< 4, 0 > | |
Cregina::Face< 4, 0 > | Represents a vertex in the skeleton of a 4-manifold triangulation |
►Cregina::detail::FaceBase< 4, 1 > | |
Cregina::Face< 4, 1 > | Represents an edge in the skeleton of a 4-manifold triangulation |
►Cregina::detail::FaceBase< 4, 2 > | |
Cregina::Face< 4, 2 > | Represents a triangle in the skeleton of a 4-manifold triangulation |
►Cregina::detail::FaceBase< 4, 3 > | |
Cregina::Face< 4, 3 > | Represents a tetrahedron in the skeleton of a 4-manifold triangulation |
►Cregina::detail::FaceBase< dim, subdim > | Helper class that provides core functionality for a subdim-face in the skeleton of a dim-dimensional triangulation |
Cregina::Face< 3 > | |
Cregina::Face< dim, subdim > | Represents a subdim-face in the skeleton of a dim-dimensional triangulation |
►Cregina::detail::FaceNumberingAPI< 1, 0 > | |
Cregina::detail::FaceNumberingImpl< 1, 0, 0 > | |
►Cregina::detail::FaceNumberingAPI< 2, 1 > | |
Cregina::detail::FaceNumberingImpl< 2, 1, 0 > | |
►Cregina::detail::FaceNumberingAPI< 3, 1 > | |
Cregina::detail::FaceNumberingImpl< 3, 1, 1 > | |
►Cregina::detail::FaceNumberingAPI< 3, 2 > | |
Cregina::detail::FaceNumberingImpl< 3, 2, 0 > | |
►Cregina::detail::FaceNumberingAPI< 4, 1 > | |
Cregina::detail::FaceNumberingImpl< 4, 1, 2 > | |
►Cregina::detail::FaceNumberingAPI< 4, 2 > | |
Cregina::detail::FaceNumberingImpl< 4, 2, 1 > | |
►Cregina::detail::FaceNumberingAPI< 4, 3 > | |
Cregina::detail::FaceNumberingImpl< 4, 3, 0 > | |
►Cregina::detail::FaceNumberingAPI< dim, 0 > | |
Cregina::detail::FaceNumberingImpl< dim, 0, codim > | |
►Cregina::detail::FaceNumberingAPI< dim, dim - 1 > | |
Cregina::detail::FaceNumberingImpl< dim, subdim, 0 > | |
Cregina::FacePair | Represents a pair of tetrahedron face numbers |
Cregina::FaithfulAssignment< From, To > | Determines if an integer of type From can always be assigned to an integer of type To with no loss of information |
►Cstd::false_type | |
Cregina::IsReginaArbitraryPrecisionInteger< T > | Determines if the type T is one of Regina's arbitrary precision integer types |
Cregina::IsReginaInteger< T > | Determines if the type T is one of Regina's own integer types (either arbitrary precision or fixed size) |
Cregina::Flags< T > | A class representing a bitwise combination of flags defined by an enumeration type |
Cregina::Flags< AngleAlgFlags > | |
Cregina::Flags< CensusPurgeFlags > | |
Cregina::Flags< HyperAlgFlags > | |
Cregina::Flags< HyperListFlags > | |
Cregina::Flags< NormalAlgFlags > | |
Cregina::Flags< NormalListFlags > | |
Cregina::GlobalDirs | Provides global routines that return directories in which various components of Regina are installed on the system |
Cregina::GluingPermSearcher< dim > | A utility class used to build a census of triangulations, by searching through all possible sets of gluing permutations to match a given facet pairing |
Cregina::TreeDecomposition::Graph | Represents a graph, which may be directed or undirected |
Cregina::GroupExpressionTerm | Represents a power of a generator in a group presentation |
►CHeld | |
Cregina::PacketOf< Held > | A packet that stores a mathematical object of type Held |
Cregina::HilbertCD | Implements a modified Contejean-Devie algorithm for enumerating Hilbert bases |
Cregina::HilbertDual | Implements a modified dual algorithm for enumerating Hilbert bases |
Cregina::HilbertPrimal | Implements a modified primal algorithm for enumerating Hilbert bases |
Cregina::HyperEncoding | Indicates precisely how a normal hypersurface within a 4-manifold triangulation is encoded by an integer vector |
Cregina::HyperInfo | A class used to query general information about different normal hypersurface coordinate systems |
►Cregina::InfinityBase< supportInfinity > | Internal base classes for use with IntegerBase, templated on whether we should support infinity as an allowed value |
Cregina::IntegerBase< false > | |
►Cregina::InfinityBase< false > | |
Cregina::IntegerBase< supportInfinity > | Represents an arbitrary precision integer |
Cregina::IntOfMinSize< bytes > | Gives access to native integer types that hold at least k bytes, where k may be any compile-time constant |
Cregina::IntOfMinSize<(dim/8)+1 > | |
Cregina::IntOfSize< bytes > | Gives access to native integer types that hold exactly k bytes, where k may be any compile-time constant |
Cregina::alias::IsomorphismImage< Derived, dim > | Helper class that provides dimension-specific aliases for both const and non-const versions of simpImage(size_t) and facetPerm(size_t), where reasonable, for isomorphisms in dimension dim |
Cregina::alias::IsomorphismImage< Derived, 2 > | Helper class that provides dimension-specific aliases for both const and non-const versions of simpImage(size_t) and facetPerm(size_t) |
Cregina::alias::IsomorphismImage< Derived, 3 > | Helper class that provides dimension-specific aliases for both const and non-const versions of simpImage(size_t) and facetPerm(size_t) |
Cregina::alias::IsomorphismImage< Derived, 4 > | Helper class that provides dimension-specific aliases for both const and non-const versions of simpImage(size_t) |
►Cregina::alias::IsomorphismImage< Isomorphism< dim >, dim > | |
Cregina::Isomorphism< 3 > | |
Cregina::Isomorphism< dim > | Represents a combinatorial isomorphism from one dim-manifold triangulation into another |
Cregina::IsoSigClassic< dim > | The default signature type to use for isomorphism signatures |
Cregina::IsoSigDegrees< dim, subdim > | Defines an alternate type of isomorphism signature based on degree sequences of subdim-faces |
►Cstd::istream | |
Cregina::mem_istream | An input stream that reads an array of characters in memory |
Cregina::PermGroup< n, cached >::iterator | The iterator type for this group |
Cregina::TableView< Element, dim1, dim >::iterator | The iterator type for this table view |
Cregina::LightweightSequence< T > | A lightweight class for storing a random-access sequence of objects |
Cregina::ListView< Container > | A lightweight object that can be used for iteration and random access to all elements of a given list |
Cregina::ListView< Element * > | A specialisation of ListView for working with lists stored in a C-style array whose size is not known at compile-time |
Cregina::ListView< Element[n]> | A specialisation of ListView for working with lists stored in a C-style array whose size is fixed at compile-time |
Cregina::i18n::Locale | A simple class with static routines for querying information about the current locale |
Cregina::LPCol< LPConstraint > | Used by LPInitialTableaux<LPConstraint> to store a single column of the adjusted matching equation matrix in sparse form |
Cregina::LPCol< LPConstraintNone > | |
►Cregina::LPConstraintBase | A base class for additional linear constraints that we can add to the tableaux of normal surface or angle structure matching equations |
Cregina::LPConstraintEulerPositive | A class that constraints the tableaux of normal surface matching equations to ensure that Euler characteristic is strictly positive |
►Cregina::LPConstraintSubspace | A subclass of LPConstraintBase used for constraints defined entirely by homogeneous linear equations |
Cregina::LPConstraintEulerZero | A class that constraints the tableaux of normal surface matching equations to ensure that Euler characteristic is zero |
Cregina::LPConstraintNonSpun | A class that constraints the tableaux of normal surface matching equations to ensure that normal surfaces in an ideal triangulation are compact (thereby avoiding spun normal surfaces with infinitely many triangles) |
Cregina::LPConstraintNone | A do-nothing class that imposes no additional linear constraints on the tableaux of normal surface or angle structure matching equations |
►Cregina::MarkedElement | A base class for elements of MarkedVector |
►Cregina::detail::ComponentBase< 2 > | |
Cregina::Component< 2 > | Represents a connected component of a 2-manifold triangulation |
►Cregina::detail::ComponentBase< 3 > | |
Cregina::Component< 3 > | Represents a connected component of a 3-manifold triangulation |
►Cregina::detail::ComponentBase< 4 > | |
Cregina::Component< 4 > | Represents a connected component of a 4-manifold triangulation |
Cregina::detail::FaceBase< 3, 0 > | |
Cregina::detail::FaceBase< 3, 1 > | |
Cregina::detail::FaceBase< 3, 2 > | |
Cregina::detail::FaceBase< 4, 0 > | |
Cregina::detail::FaceBase< 4, 1 > | |
Cregina::detail::FaceBase< 4, 2 > | |
Cregina::detail::FaceBase< 4, 3 > | |
►Cregina::detail::SimplexBase< 2 > | |
Cregina::Face< 2, 2 > | Represents a triangle within a 2-manifold triangulation |
►Cregina::detail::SimplexBase< 3 > | |
Cregina::Face< 3, 3 > | Represents a tetrahedron within a 3-manifold triangulation |
►Cregina::detail::SimplexBase< 4 > | |
Cregina::Face< 4, 4 > | Represents a pentachoron (a 4-dimensional simplex) within a 4-manifold triangulation |
Cregina::Crossing | Represents a single crossing in a link diagram |
Cregina::ModelLinkGraphNode | Represents a single node in a model graph for a knot or link |
►Cregina::detail::BoundaryComponentBase< dim > | Helper class that provides core functionality for a boundary component of a dim-dimensional triangulation |
Cregina::BoundaryComponent< dim > | A component of the boundary of a dim-manifold triangulation |
►Cregina::detail::ComponentBase< dim > | Helper class that provides core functionality for a connected component of a dim-manifold triangulation |
Cregina::Component< dim > | A connected component of a dim-manifold triangulation |
Cregina::detail::FaceBase< dim, subdim > | Helper class that provides core functionality for a subdim-face in the skeleton of a dim-dimensional triangulation |
►Cregina::detail::SimplexBase< dim > | Helper class that provides core functionality for a top-dimensional simplex in a dim-manifold triangulation |
Cregina::Face< dim, dim > | Represents a top-dimensional simplex in a dim-manifold triangulation |
Cregina::Matrix2 | Represents a 2-by-2 integer matrix |
Cregina::MaxAdmissible | Used to enumerate all maximal admissible faces of a polyhedral cone under a given set of admissibility constraints |
Cregina::ModelLinkGraphArc | A reference to an outgoing edge from a node of a model graph for a knot or link |
Cregina::NativeInteger< bytes > | A wrapper class for a native, fixed-precision integer type of the given size |
Cregina::NormalEncoding | Indicates precisely how a normal surface is encoded by an integer vector |
Cregina::NormalInfo | A class used to query general information about different normal coordinate systems |
►Cstd::ostream | |
Cregina::i18n::IConvStream | An output stream that converts between character encodings |
Cregina::Output< T, supportsUtf8 > | A common base class for objects that write human-readable text output |
►Cregina::Output< AbelianGroup, supportsUtf8 > | |
►Cregina::ShortOutput< AbelianGroup, true > | |
Cregina::AbelianGroup | Represents a finitely generated abelian group |
►Cregina::Output< AngleStructure, false > | |
►Cregina::ShortOutput< AngleStructure > | |
Cregina::AngleStructure | Represents an angle structure on a triangulation |
►Cregina::Output< AngleStructures > | |
Cregina::AngleStructures | A collection of angle structures on a 3-manifold triangulation |
►Cregina::Output< BanConstraintBase, false > | |
►Cregina::ShortOutput< BanConstraintBase > | |
►Cregina::BanConstraintBase | A base class for additional banning and marking constraints that we can place on tree traversal algorithms |
Cregina::BanBoundary | A class that bans normal disc types that meet the boundary of the underlying triangulation |
Cregina::BanEdge | A class that bans normal disc types that meet a particular edge of the underlying triangulation |
Cregina::BanTorusBoundary | A class that bans and marks disc types associated with torus boundary components |
►Cregina::Output< BanNone, false > | |
►Cregina::ShortOutput< BanNone > | |
Cregina::BanNone | A do-nothing class that bans no coordinates and marks no coordinates |
►Cregina::Output< BoundaryComponentBase< dim >, false > | |
►Cregina::ShortOutput< BoundaryComponentBase< dim > > | |
Cregina::detail::BoundaryComponentBase< dim > | Helper class that provides core functionality for a boundary component of a dim-dimensional triangulation |
►Cregina::Output< ComponentBase< dim >, false > | |
►Cregina::ShortOutput< ComponentBase< dim > > | |
Cregina::detail::ComponentBase< 2 > | |
Cregina::detail::ComponentBase< 3 > | |
Cregina::detail::ComponentBase< 4 > | |
Cregina::detail::ComponentBase< dim > | Helper class that provides core functionality for a connected component of a dim-manifold triangulation |
►Cregina::Output< Crossing, false > | |
►Cregina::ShortOutput< Crossing > | |
Cregina::Crossing | Represents a single crossing in a link diagram |
►Cregina::Output< Cusp, false > | |
►Cregina::ShortOutput< Cusp > | |
Cregina::Cusp | Used to return information about a single cusp of a SnapPea triangulation |
►Cregina::Output< Cut, false > | |
►Cregina::ShortOutput< Cut > | |
Cregina::Cut | A cut that separates a triangulation or facet pairing into two pieces |
►Cregina::Output< Cyclotomic, supportsUtf8 > | |
►Cregina::ShortOutput< Cyclotomic, true > | |
Cregina::Cyclotomic | Represents an element of a cyclotomic field |
►Cregina::Output< Face< dim, subdim >, false > | |
►Cregina::ShortOutput< Face< dim, subdim > > | |
Cregina::detail::FaceBase< 3, 0 > | |
Cregina::detail::FaceBase< 3, 1 > | |
Cregina::detail::FaceBase< 3, 2 > | |
Cregina::detail::FaceBase< 4, 0 > | |
Cregina::detail::FaceBase< 4, 1 > | |
Cregina::detail::FaceBase< 4, 2 > | |
Cregina::detail::FaceBase< 4, 3 > | |
Cregina::detail::FaceBase< dim, subdim > | Helper class that provides core functionality for a subdim-face in the skeleton of a dim-dimensional triangulation |
►Cregina::Output< FaceEmbeddingBase< dim, subdim >, false > | |
►Cregina::ShortOutput< FaceEmbeddingBase< dim, subdim > > | |
Cregina::detail::FaceEmbeddingBase< dim, subdim > | Helper class that provides core functionality for describing how a subdim-face of a dim-dimensional triangulation appears within each top-dimensional simplex |
►Cregina::Output< FacetPairingBase< dim >, false > | |
►Cregina::ShortOutput< FacetPairingBase< dim > > | |
►Cregina::detail::FacetPairingBase< 3 > | |
Cregina::FacetPairing< 3 > | Represents the dual graph of a 3-manifold triangulation |
►Cregina::detail::FacetPairingBase< dim > | Provides core functionality for facet pairings (that is, dual graphs) of dim-dimensional triangulations |
Cregina::FacetPairing< 2 > | |
Cregina::FacetPairing< 4 > | |
Cregina::FacetPairing< dim > | Represents the dual graph of a dim-manifold triangulation; that is, the pairwise matching of facets of dim-dimensional simplices |
►Cregina::Output< FileInfo > | |
Cregina::FileInfo | Stores information about a Regina data file, including file format and version |
►Cregina::Output< GluingPerms< dim > > | |
Cregina::GluingPerms< 2 > | |
Cregina::GluingPerms< 3 > | |
Cregina::GluingPerms< 4 > | |
Cregina::GluingPerms< dim > | Represents a specific set of gluing permutations to complement a particular pairwise matching of simplex facets |
►Cregina::Output< GluingPermSearcher< 2 >, false > | |
►Cregina::ShortOutput< GluingPermSearcher< 2 > > | |
Cregina::GluingPermSearcher< 2 > | A utility class for searching through all possible gluing permutation sets that correspond to a given triangle edge pairing |
►Cregina::Output< GluingPermSearcher< 3 >, false > | |
►Cregina::ShortOutput< GluingPermSearcher< 3 > > | |
►Cregina::GluingPermSearcher< 3 > | A utility class for searching through all possible gluing permutation sets that correspond to a given tetrahedron face pairing |
►Cregina::CompactSearcher | A gluing permutation search class that offers a specialised search algorithm for when only compact (finite) 3-manifold triangulations are required |
Cregina::ClosedPrimeMinSearcher | A gluing permutation search class that offers a specialised search algorithm for when (i) only closed prime minimal P2-irreducible triangulations are required, and (ii) the given face pairing has order at least three |
►Cregina::EulerSearcher | A gluing permutation search class that offers a specialised search algorithm for when all vertex links must all have a given fixed Euler characteristic |
Cregina::HyperbolicMinSearcher | A gluing permutation search class that offers a specialised search algorithm for when only minimal ideal triangulations of cusped finite-volume hyperbolic 3-manifolds are required |
►Cregina::Output< GluingPermSearcher< 4 >, false > | |
►Cregina::ShortOutput< GluingPermSearcher< 4 > > | |
Cregina::GluingPermSearcher< 4 > | A utility class for searching through all possible gluing permutation sets that correspond to a given pentachoron facet pairing |
►Cregina::Output< GroupExpression, supportsUtf8 > | |
►Cregina::ShortOutput< GroupExpression, true > | |
Cregina::GroupExpression | Represents an expression involving generators from a group presentation or a free group |
►Cregina::Output< GroupPresentation > | |
Cregina::GroupPresentation | Represents a finite presentation of a group |
►Cregina::Output< HomGroupPresentation > | |
Cregina::HomGroupPresentation | Represents a homomorphism between groups which are described via finite presentations |
►Cregina::Output< HomMarkedAbelianGroup > | |
Cregina::HomMarkedAbelianGroup | Represents a homomorphism of finitely generated abelian groups |
►Cregina::Output< HomologicalData, false > | |
►Cregina::ShortOutput< HomologicalData > | |
Cregina::HomologicalData | A specialised class that computes a large amount of detailed homological information for a 3-manifold triangulation |
►Cregina::Output< IntersectionForm > | |
Cregina::IntersectionForm | Represents a symmetric bilinear integral form, which for Regina is typically the intersection form of a 4-manifold |
►Cregina::Output< Isomorphism< dim > > | |
Cregina::Isomorphism< 3 > | |
Cregina::Isomorphism< dim > | Represents a combinatorial isomorphism from one dim-manifold triangulation into another |
►Cregina::Output< Laurent2< T >, supportsUtf8 > | |
►Cregina::ShortOutput< Laurent2< T >, true > | |
Cregina::Laurent2< T > | Represents a Laurent polynomial in the two variables x, y with coefficients of type T |
►Cregina::Output< Laurent< T >, supportsUtf8 > | |
►Cregina::ShortOutput< Laurent< T >, true > | |
Cregina::Laurent< T > | Represents a single-variable Laurent polynomial with coefficients of type T |
►Cregina::Output< Layering, false > | |
►Cregina::ShortOutput< Layering > | |
Cregina::Layering | Represents a layering of zero or more tetrahedra upon a torus boundary |
►Cregina::Output< Link > | |
Cregina::Link | Represents a directed knot or link in the 3-sphere |
►Cregina::Output< LPData< LPConstraint, IntType > > | |
Cregina::LPData< LPConstraint, IntType > | Stores an intermediate tableaux for the dual simplex method, and contains all of the core machinery for using the dual simplex method |
►Cregina::Output< LPData< LPConstraintNone, Integer > > | |
Cregina::LPData< LPConstraintNone, Integer > | |
►Cregina::Output< LPInitialTableaux< LPConstraint > > | |
Cregina::LPInitialTableaux< LPConstraint > | Stores an adjusted matrix of homogeneous linear matching equations based on a given triangulation, in sparse form |
►Cregina::Output< LPInitialTableaux< LPConstraintNone > > | |
Cregina::LPInitialTableaux< LPConstraintNone > | |
►Cregina::Output< LPMatrix< Integer > > | |
Cregina::LPMatrix< Integer > | |
►Cregina::Output< LPMatrix< IntType > > | |
Cregina::LPMatrix< IntType > | A matrix class for use with linear programming |
►Cregina::Output< LPSystem, false > | |
►Cregina::ShortOutput< LPSystem > | |
Cregina::LPSystem | Indicates which broad class of vector encodings a particular tableaux is designed to work with |
►Cregina::Output< Manifold > | |
►Cregina::Manifold | Represents a particular 3-manifold, independent of how it might be triangulated |
Cregina::GraphLoop | Represents a closed graph manifold formed by joining a single bounded Seifert fibred space to itself along a torus |
Cregina::GraphPair | Represents a closed graph manifold formed by joining two bounded Seifert fibred spaces along a common torus |
Cregina::GraphTriple | Represents a closed graph manifold formed by joining three bounded Seifert fibred spaces along their torus boundaries |
Cregina::Handlebody | Represents an orientable handlebody |
Cregina::LensSpace | Represents a general lens space |
Cregina::SFSpace | Represents a general Seifert fibred space, which may be orientable or non-orientable |
Cregina::SimpleSurfaceBundle | Represents a particularly simple closed surface bundle over the circle |
Cregina::SnapPeaCensusManifold | Represents a 3-manifold from the SnapPea cusped census |
Cregina::TorusBundle | Represents a torus bundle over the circle |
►Cregina::Output< MarkedAbelianGroup, supportsUtf8 > | |
►Cregina::ShortOutput< MarkedAbelianGroup, true > | |
Cregina::MarkedAbelianGroup | Represents a finitely generated abelian group given by a chain complex |
►Cregina::Output< Matrix< Integer > > | |
Cregina::Matrix< Integer, true > | |
►Cregina::Output< Matrix< T > > | |
Cregina::Matrix< T, ring > | Represents a matrix of elements of the given type T |
►Cregina::Output< ModelLinkGraph > | |
Cregina::ModelLinkGraph | Represents an undirected 4-valent planar graph with a specific planar embedding |
►Cregina::Output< ModelLinkGraphCells > | |
Cregina::ModelLinkGraphCells | Describes the cellular decomposition of the sphere that is induced by a given planar 4-valent graph |
►Cregina::Output< ModelLinkGraphNode, false > | |
►Cregina::ShortOutput< ModelLinkGraphNode > | |
Cregina::ModelLinkGraphNode | Represents a single node in a model graph for a knot or link |
►Cregina::Output< NormalHypersurface, false > | |
►Cregina::ShortOutput< NormalHypersurface > | |
Cregina::NormalHypersurface | Represents a single normal hypersurface in a 4-manifold triangulation |
►Cregina::Output< NormalHypersurfaces > | |
Cregina::NormalHypersurfaces | A collection of normal hypersurfaces in a 4-manifold triangulation |
►Cregina::Output< NormalSurface, false > | |
►Cregina::ShortOutput< NormalSurface > | |
Cregina::NormalSurface | Represents a single normal surface in a 3-manifold triangulation |
►Cregina::Output< NormalSurfaces > | |
Cregina::NormalSurfaces | A collection of normal surfaces in a 3-manifold triangulation |
►Cregina::Output< Packet > | |
Cregina::Packet | Represents a packet of information that may be individually edited or operated upon |
►Cregina::Output< PermGroup< n, false > > | |
Cregina::PermGroup< n, cached > | Represents a group of permutations on n elements |
►Cregina::Output< PillowTwoSphere, false > | |
►Cregina::ShortOutput< PillowTwoSphere > | |
Cregina::PillowTwoSphere | Represents a 2-sphere made from two triangles glued together along their three edges |
►Cregina::Output< Polynomial< T >, supportsUtf8 > | |
►Cregina::ShortOutput< Polynomial< T >, true > | |
Cregina::Polynomial< T > | Represents a single-variable polynomial with coefficients of type T |
►Cregina::Output< ProgressTracker, false > | |
►Cregina::ShortOutput< ProgressTracker > | |
Cregina::ProgressTracker | Manages percentage-based progress tracking and cancellation polling for long operations |
►Cregina::Output< ProgressTrackerOpen, false > | |
►Cregina::ShortOutput< ProgressTrackerOpen > | |
Cregina::ProgressTrackerOpen | Manages percentage-based progress tracking and cancellation polling for open-ended operations |
►Cregina::Output< SatBlock, false > | |
►Cregina::ShortOutput< SatBlock > | |
►Cregina::SatBlock | Represents a saturated block in a Seifert fibred space |
Cregina::SatCube | A saturated block that is a six-tetrahedron cube |
Cregina::SatLST | A saturated block that is a layered solid torus |
Cregina::SatLayering | A degenerate saturated block that is a single tetrahedron wrapped around so that two opposite edges touch |
Cregina::SatMobius | A degenerate zero-tetrahedron saturated block that corresponds to attaching a Mobius band to a single annulus boundary |
Cregina::SatReflectorStrip | A saturated block that is a reflector strip |
Cregina::SatTriPrism | A saturated block that is a three-tetrahedron triangular prism |
►Cregina::Output< SatBlockModel, false > | |
►Cregina::ShortOutput< SatBlockModel > | |
Cregina::SatBlockModel | Contains an explicit triangulation of a saturated block along with the accompanying saturated block description |
►Cregina::Output< SatBlockSpec, false > | |
►Cregina::ShortOutput< SatBlockSpec > | |
Cregina::SatBlockSpec | Describes how a single saturated block forms a part of a larger saturated region |
►Cregina::Output< SatRegion > | |
Cregina::SatRegion | A large saturated region in a Seifert fibred space formed by joining together saturated blocks |
►Cregina::Output< SFSAlt, false > | |
►Cregina::ShortOutput< SFSAlt > | |
Cregina::SFSAlt | Provides an alternative representation of a single bounded Seifert fibred space |
►Cregina::Output< Signature, false > | |
►Cregina::ShortOutput< Signature > | |
Cregina::Signature | Represents a signature of a splitting surface in a closed 3-manifold triangulation |
►Cregina::Output< SigPartialIsomorphism, false > | |
►Cregina::ShortOutput< SigPartialIsomorphism > | |
Cregina::SigPartialIsomorphism | Represents a partial isomorphism between two splitting surface signatures |
►Cregina::Output< SimplexBase< dim > > | |
Cregina::detail::SimplexBase< 2 > | |
Cregina::detail::SimplexBase< 3 > | |
Cregina::detail::SimplexBase< 4 > | |
Cregina::detail::SimplexBase< dim > | Helper class that provides core functionality for a top-dimensional simplex in a dim-manifold triangulation |
►Cregina::Output< SnapPeaTriangulation > | |
Cregina::SnapPeaTriangulation | Offers direct access to the SnapPea kernel from within Regina |
►Cregina::Output< SnappedTwoSphere, false > | |
►Cregina::ShortOutput< SnappedTwoSphere > | |
Cregina::SnappedTwoSphere | Represents a 2-sphere made from two snapped 3-balls in a triangulation |
►Cregina::Output< StandardTriangulation > | |
►Cregina::StandardTriangulation | Describes a triangulation or subcomplex of a triangulation whose structure is well-understood |
Cregina::AugTriSolidTorus | Represents an augmented triangular solid torus component of a triangulation |
Cregina::BlockedSFS | Represents a blocked Seifert fibred space (possibly with boundary) |
Cregina::BlockedSFSLoop | Represents a blocked Seifert fibred space with two boundary tori that are joined together |
Cregina::BlockedSFSPair | Represents a blocked pair of Seifert fibred spaces joined along a single connecting torus |
Cregina::BlockedSFSTriple | Represents a blocked sequence of three Seifert fibred spaces joined along connecting tori |
Cregina::LayeredChain | Represents a layered chain in a triangulation |
Cregina::LayeredChainPair | Represents a layered chain pair component of a triangulation |
Cregina::LayeredLensSpace | Represents a layered lens space component of a triangulation |
Cregina::LayeredLoop | Represents a layered loop component of a triangulation |
Cregina::LayeredSolidTorus | Represents a layered solid torus in a triangulation |
Cregina::LayeredTorusBundle | Describes a layered torus bundle |
Cregina::PlugTriSolidTorus | Represents a plugged triangular solid torus component of a triangulation |
Cregina::PluggedTorusBundle | Describes a triangulation of a graph manifold formed by joining a bounded saturated region with a thin I-bundle over the torus, possibly with layerings in between |
Cregina::SnapPeaCensusTri | Represents a 3-manifold triangulation from the SnapPea cusped census |
Cregina::SnappedBall | Represents a snapped 3-ball in a triangulation |
Cregina::SpiralSolidTorus | Represents a spiralled solid torus in a triangulation |
Cregina::TriSolidTorus | Represents a three-tetrahedron triangular solid torus in a triangulation |
Cregina::TrivialTri | Represents one of a few particular hard-coded trivial triangulations that do not belong to any of the other larger families |
►Cregina::Output< T, false > | |
Cregina::ShortOutput< T, supportsUtf8 > | A common base class for objects that provide short text output only |
►Cregina::Output< Tangle > | |
Cregina::Tangle | Represents a 2-tangle in the 3-ball |
►Cregina::Output< TreeBag, false > | |
►Cregina::ShortOutput< TreeBag > | |
Cregina::TreeBag | Represents a single bag in a tree decomposition |
►Cregina::Output< TreeDecomposition > | |
Cregina::TreeDecomposition | Represents a tree decomposition of a graph |
►Cregina::Output< TreeTraversal< LPConstraint, BanConstraint, IntType >, false > | |
►Cregina::ShortOutput< TreeTraversal< LPConstraint, BanConstraint, IntType > > | |
Cregina::TreeTraversal< LPConstraint, BanConstraint, IntType > | A base class for searches that employ the tree traversal algorithm for enumerating and locating vertex normal surfaces and taut angle structures |
►Cregina::Output< TreeTraversal< LPConstraintNone, BanNone, Integer >, false > | |
►Cregina::ShortOutput< TreeTraversal< LPConstraintNone, BanNone, Integer > > | |
►Cregina::TreeTraversal< LPConstraintNone, BanNone, Integer > | |
Cregina::TautEnumeration< LPConstraint, BanConstraint, IntType > | The main entry point for the tree traversal algorithm to enumerate all taut angle structures in a 3-manifold triangulation |
Cregina::TreeEnumeration< LPConstraint, BanConstraint, IntType > | The main entry point for the tree traversal algorithm to enumerate all vertex normal or almost normal surfaces in a 3-manifold triangulation |
Cregina::TreeSingleSoln< LPConstraint, BanConstraint, IntType > | The main entry point for the tree traversal / branching algorithm to locate a single non-trivial normal surface satisfying given constraints within a 3-manifold triangulation |
►Cregina::Output< Triangulation< dim > > | |
►Cregina::detail::TriangulationBase< 2 > | |
Cregina::Triangulation< 2 > | Represents a 2-manifold triangulation |
►Cregina::detail::TriangulationBase< 3 > | |
►Cregina::Triangulation< 3 > | Represents a 3-dimensional triangulation, typically of a 3-manifold |
Cregina::SnapPeaTriangulation | Offers direct access to the SnapPea kernel from within Regina |
►Cregina::detail::TriangulationBase< 4 > | |
Cregina::Triangulation< 4 > | Represents a 4-dimensional triangulation, typically of a 4-manifold |
►Cregina::detail::TriangulationBase< dim > | Provides core functionality for dim-dimensional triangulations |
Cregina::Triangulation< dim-1 > | |
Cregina::Triangulation< dim > | A dim-dimensional triangulation, built by gluing together dim-dimensional simplices along their (dim-1)-dimensional facets |
►Cregina::Output< TrieSet > | |
Cregina::TrieSet | A trie-like data structure for storing and retriving sets |
►Cregina::Output< TxICore > | |
►Cregina::TxICore | Provides a triangulation of the product T x I (the product of the torus and the interval) |
Cregina::TxIDiagonalCore | One of a family of thin T x I triangulations that typically appear at the centres of layered torus bundles |
Cregina::TxIParallelCore | A specific six-tetrahedron TxICore triangulation that does not fit neatly into other families |
►Cregina::Output< TypeTrie< nTypes > > | |
Cregina::TypeTrie< 7 > | |
Cregina::TypeTrie< nTypes > | A trie that stores a set of type vectors of a fixed length |
►Cregina::Output< ValidityConstraints > | |
Cregina::ValidityConstraints | Represents a set of combinatorial validity constraints for use with polytope vertex enumeration |
►Cregina::Output< Vector< IntegerType >, false > | |
►Cregina::ShortOutput< Vector< IntegerType > > | |
Cregina::Vector< IntegerType > | |
►Cregina::Output< Vector< regina::IntegerBase >, false > | |
►Cregina::ShortOutput< Vector< regina::IntegerBase > > | |
Cregina::Vector< regina::IntegerBase > | |
►Cregina::Output< Vector< T >, false > | |
►Cregina::ShortOutput< Vector< T > > | |
Cregina::Vector< T > | An optimised vector class of elements from a given ring T |
Cregina::OutputBase< T > | Provides a type alias to help identify where in the class hierarchy the output functions T::str() and T::detail() are implemented |
Cregina::PacketChildren< const_ > | A lightweight object that gives access to all immediate children of a given packet |
Cregina::PacketData< Held > | A lightweight helper class that allows an object of type Held to connect with the wrapped packet class that contains it |
►Cregina::PacketData< AngleStructures > | |
Cregina::AngleStructures | A collection of angle structures on a 3-manifold triangulation |
►Cregina::PacketData< Link > | |
Cregina::Link | Represents a directed knot or link in the 3-sphere |
►Cregina::PacketData< NormalHypersurfaces > | |
Cregina::NormalHypersurfaces | A collection of normal hypersurfaces in a 4-manifold triangulation |
►Cregina::PacketData< NormalSurfaces > | |
Cregina::NormalSurfaces | A collection of normal surfaces in a 3-manifold triangulation |
Cregina::PacketData< regina::SnapPeaTriangulation > | |
►Cregina::PacketData< SnapPeaTriangulation > | |
Cregina::SnapPeaTriangulation | Offers direct access to the SnapPea kernel from within Regina |
►Cregina::PacketData< Triangulation< dim > > | |
Cregina::detail::TriangulationBase< 2 > | |
Cregina::detail::TriangulationBase< 3 > | |
Cregina::detail::TriangulationBase< 4 > | |
Cregina::detail::TriangulationBase< dim > | Provides core functionality for dim-dimensional triangulations |
Cregina::PacketDescendants< const_ > | A lightweight object that gives access to all strict descendants of a given packet |
Cregina::PacketInfo | A class used to query general information about different packet types |
Cregina::PacketListener | An object that can be registered to listen for packet events |
Cregina::PacketShell | Gives access to the final remains of a packet that is in the process of being destroyed |
Cregina::GluingPermSearcher< 4 >::PentEdgeState | A structure used to track equivalence classes of pentachoron edges as the gluing permutation set is constructed |
Cregina::GluingPermSearcher< 4 >::PentTriangleState | A structure used to track equivalence classes of pentachoron triangles as the gluing permutation set is constructed |
Cregina::Perm< n > | Represents a permutation of {0,1,...,n-1} |
Cregina::Perm< 2 > | Represents a permutation of {0,1} |
Cregina::Perm< 3 > | Represents a permutation of {0,1,2} |
Cregina::Perm< 4 > | Represents a permutation of {0,1,2,3} |
Cregina::Perm< 5 > | Represents a permutation of {0,1,2,3,4} |
Cregina::Perm< 6 > | Represents a permutation of {0,1,2,3,4,5} |
Cregina::Perm< 7 > | Represents a permutation of {0,1,2,3,4,5,6} |
Cregina::Perm< dim+1 > | |
Cregina::PermClass< n > | Represents a conjugacy class of permutations on n elements |
Cregina::PosOrder | A comparison object that sorts hyperplanes by position vectors |
Cregina::Primes | A helper class for finding primes and factorising integers |
Cregina::PrismSpec | Specifies a single triangular prism in a tetrahedron |
►Cregina::ProgressTrackerBase | The base class for Regina's progress tracking classes |
Cregina::ProgressTracker | Manages percentage-based progress tracking and cancellation polling for long operations |
Cregina::ProgressTrackerOpen | Manages percentage-based progress tracking and cancellation polling for open-ended operations |
Cregina::Qitmask1< T > | A small but extremely fast "base 4 bitmask" class that can store up to 8 * sizeof(T) "qits", each equal to 0, 1, 2 or 3 |
Cregina::Qitmask1< uint64_t > | |
Cregina::Qitmask2< T, U > | A small but extremely fast "base 4 bitmask" class that can store up to 8 * sizeof(T) + 8 * sizeof(U) "qits", each equal to 0, 1, 2 or 3 |
Cregina::Rational | Represents an arbitrary precision rational number |
Cregina::detail::RetriangulateActionTraits< Object, Action, FirstArg > | A traits class that analyses callable objects that are passed to retriangulation or link rewriting functions |
►Cstd::runtime_error | |
►Cregina::ReginaException | A base class for all of the exceptions that are thrown by Regina's native mathematical code |
Cregina::FailedPrecondition | An exception thrown when a function detects that its preconditions have been violated |
Cregina::FileError | An exception thrown when trying to access data from the filesystem |
Cregina::InvalidArgument | An exception thrown when invalid or unsupported arguments are passed into a function |
Cregina::InvalidInput | An exception thrown when a function reads unexpected or incomplete data from an input stream |
Cregina::NoSolution | An exception thrown when Regina has certified that a mathematical problem has no solution |
Cregina::NotImplemented | An exception thrown when some functionality is not yet implemented |
Cregina::SnapPeaIsNull | An exception thrown when the SnapPea kernel is asked to work with a null SnapPea triangulation |
►Cregina::UnsolvedCase | An exception thrown when a mathematical function is not able to solve a particular instance of a problem |
Cregina::SnapPeaUnsolvedCase | An exception thrown when the SnapPea kernel is not able to perform some computation |
Cregina::SnapPeaFatalError | An exception that is thrown when the SnapPea kernel encounters a fatal error |
Cregina::SatAnnulus | Represents an annulus formed from a pair of triangles in a Seifert fibred space |
►Cstd::scoped_lock | |
Cregina::RandomEngine | Offers threadsafe access to Regina's global uniform random bit generator |
Cregina::SFSFibre | Represents an exceptional (alpha, beta) fibre in a Seifert fibred space |
Cregina::ShortArray< T, maxSize > | A short stack-based array of bounded size |
Cregina::SigCensus | A class responsible for building censuses of splitting surface signatures |
Cregina::alias::SimplexVoid< Derived, dim > | Helper class that provides a dimension-specific alias for simplex(), where reasonable |
Cregina::alias::SimplexVoid< Derived, 2 > | Helper class that provides a dimension-specific alias for simplex() |
Cregina::alias::SimplexVoid< Derived, 3 > | Helper class that provides a dimension-specific alias for simplex() |
Cregina::alias::SimplexVoid< Derived, 4 > | Helper class that provides a dimension-specific alias for simplex() |
►Cregina::alias::SimplexVoid< FaceEmbeddingBase< dim, subdim >, dim > | |
Cregina::detail::FaceEmbeddingBase< dim, subdim > | Helper class that provides core functionality for describing how a subdim-face of a dim-dimensional triangulation appears within each top-dimensional simplex |
Cregina::Snapshot< T > | Keeps a snapshot of an object of type T as it was at a particular moment in time |
Cregina::Snapshot< regina::Triangulation< 3 > > | |
Cregina::Snapshot< regina::Triangulation< 4 > > | |
Cregina::Snapshot< Triangulation< dim > > | |
Cregina::SnapshotRef< T > | A reference to an image of type T that has been snapshotted at a particular moment in time |
Cregina::SnapshotRef< regina::Triangulation< 3 > > | |
Cregina::SnapshotRef< regina::Triangulation< 4 > > | |
Cregina::Snapshottable< T > | A base class for images of type T that can be snapshotted at a particular moment in time |
►Cregina::Snapshottable< Triangulation< dim > > | |
Cregina::detail::TriangulationBase< 2 > | |
Cregina::detail::TriangulationBase< 3 > | |
Cregina::detail::TriangulationBase< 4 > | |
Cregina::detail::TriangulationBase< dim > | Provides core functionality for dim-dimensional triangulations |
Cregina::StrandRef | A reference to one of the two strands of a link that pass each other at a crossing |
►Cstd::streambuf | |
Cregina::i18n::IConvStreamBuffer | An output stream buffer that translates between character encodings |
Cregina::mem_streambuf | A stream buffer that provides the implementation details for mem_istream |
Cregina::detail::Strings< dim_ > | Contains a collection of compile-time constant strings that describe features of the dimension dim |
Cregina::LightweightSequence< T >::SubsequenceCompareFirst< IndexIterator > | A binary function object for comparing subsequences, for use in associative containers whose keys are sequences |
Cregina::SubtreeIterator< const_ > | A forward iterator for iterating through the entire packet subtree rooted at a given packet |
Cregina::TableView< Element, dim1, dim > | A lightweight object that can be used for random access to all elements of a given multi-dimensional table |
Cregina::CompactSearcher::TetEdgeState | A structure used to track equivalence classes of tetrahedron edges as the gluing permutation set is constructed |
Cregina::EulerSearcher::TetEdgeState | A structure used to track equivalence classes of tetrahedron edges as the gluing permutation set is constructed |
Cregina::CompactSearcher::TetVertexState | A structure used to track equivalence classes of tetrahedron vertices as the gluing permutation set is constructed |
Cregina::EulerSearcher::TetVertexState | A structure used to track equivalence classes of tetrahedron vertices as the gluing permutation set is constructed |
Cregina::TightEncodable< T > | A base class that assists with support for tight encodings and corresponding decodings |
►Cregina::TightEncodable< AbelianGroup > | |
Cregina::AbelianGroup | Represents a finitely generated abelian group |
►Cregina::TightEncodable< FacetPairing< dim > > | |
Cregina::detail::FacetPairingBase< 3 > | |
Cregina::detail::FacetPairingBase< dim > | Provides core functionality for facet pairings (that is, dual graphs) of dim-dimensional triangulations |
►Cregina::TightEncodable< FacetSpec< dim > > | |
Cregina::FacetSpec< 2 > | |
Cregina::FacetSpec< 3 > | |
Cregina::FacetSpec< 4 > | |
Cregina::FacetSpec< dim > | A lightweight class used to refer to a particular facet of a particular top-dimensional simplex in a dim-dimensional triangulation |
►Cregina::TightEncodable< Isomorphism< dim > > | |
Cregina::Isomorphism< 3 > | |
Cregina::Isomorphism< dim > | Represents a combinatorial isomorphism from one dim-manifold triangulation into another |
►Cregina::TightEncodable< Laurent2< T > > | |
Cregina::Laurent2< T > | Represents a Laurent polynomial in the two variables x, y with coefficients of type T |
►Cregina::TightEncodable< Laurent< T > > | |
Cregina::Laurent< T > | Represents a single-variable Laurent polynomial with coefficients of type T |
►Cregina::TightEncodable< Link > | |
Cregina::Link | Represents a directed knot or link in the 3-sphere |
►Cregina::TightEncodable< Triangulation< dim > > | |
Cregina::detail::TriangulationBase< 2 > | |
Cregina::detail::TriangulationBase< 3 > | |
Cregina::detail::TriangulationBase< 4 > | |
Cregina::detail::TriangulationBase< dim > | Provides core functionality for dim-dimensional triangulations |
Cregina::detail::TriangulationBase< dim >::TopologyLock | Creates a temporary lock on the topological properties of the given triangulation |
►Cstd::vector | |
Cregina::MarkedVector< regina::Face< dim, dim >< dim > > | |
Cregina::MarkedVector< regina::Component< dim > > | |
Cregina::MarkedVector< regina::BoundaryComponent< dim > > | |
Cregina::MarkedVector< regina::Crossing > | |
Cregina::MarkedVector< regina::ModelLinkGraphNode > | |
Cregina::MarkedVector< T > | A vector of objects with fast, space-efficient reverse lookup of array indices |
Cregina::NormalHypersurfaces::VectorIterator | A bidirectional iterator that runs through the raw vectors for hypersurfaces in this list |
Cregina::NormalSurfaces::VectorIterator | A bidirectional iterator that runs through the raw vectors for surfaces in this list |
Cregina::XMLTriangulationReader< dim > | |
Cregina::XMLWriter< Held > | |