Regina 7.0 Calculation Engine
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345]
 Cregina::Base64SigEncodingGeneral helper tools for signatures that use base64 encodings
 Cregina::BitManipulatorBySize< T, size >Contains implementation details for BitManipulator where we optimise according to the size of the underlying data type
 Cregina::BitManipulatorByType< T >Contains implementation details for BitManipulator where we optimise according to the underlying data type
 Cregina::BitmaskA bitmask that can store arbitrarily many true-or-false bits
 Cregina::Bitmask1< T >A small but extremely fast bitmask class that can store up to 8 * sizeof(T) true-or-false bits
 Cregina::Bitmask2< T, U >A small but extremely fast bitmask class that can store up to 8 * sizeof(T) + 8 * sizeof(U) true-or-false bits
 Cregina::BoolSetA set of booleans
 Cregina::detail::CallableArg< Action, pos >A traits class that deduces the type of the argument in a given position for a callable object
 Cregina::CensusA utility class used to search for triangulations across one or more 3-manifold census databases
 Cregina::CensusDBStores the location and description of one of Regina's in-built census databases
 Cregina::CensusHitStores a single "hit" indicating that some given triangulation has been located in one of Regina's in-built census databases
 Cregina::Packet::ChangeEventSpanAn object that facilitates firing packetToBeChanged() and packetWasChanged() events
 Cregina::PacketData< Held >::ChangeEventSpanAn object that facilitates firing packetToBeChanged() and packetWasChanged() events
 Cregina::ChildIterator< const_ >A forward iterator for iterating through all immediate children of a given packet
 Cregina::python::ConstArray< Array >A template class that references a constant one-dimensional "array-like" object
 Cregina::DegreeGreaterThan< dim, subdim >A function object used for sorting faces of triangulations by decreasing degree
 Cregina::DegreeLessThan< dim, subdim >A function object used for sorting faces of triangulations by increasing degree
 Cregina::DiscSetSurfaceDataImpl< TetData >Stores a piece of data alongside every normal disc within a particular normal surface
 Cregina::DiscSetTetRepresents a set of normal discs inside a single tetrahedron
 Cregina::DiscSpecSpecifies a single normal disc in a normal surface
 Cregina::DiscSpecIterator< TetData >A forward iterator used for running through all normal discs in a normal surface
 Cregina::DiscTypeIdentifies a single normal or almost normal disc type within a triangulation
 Cregina::DoubleDescriptionImplements a modified double description method for polytope vertex enumeration
 Cregina::EnableIf< condition, T, defaultValue >A struct that holds either a single value of type T or nothing at all, depending on whether the given compile-time condition holds
 Cregina::detail::ExampleFromLowDim< dim, available >Helper class that builds various dim-dimensional triangulations from (dim-1)-dimensional triangulations
 Cregina::detail::ExampleFromLowDim< dim, dim !=2 >
 Cregina::detail::ExampleFromLowDim< dim, false >Helper class that builds various dim-dimensional triangulations from (dim-1)-dimensional triangulations
 Cregina::ExampleLinkThis class offers routines for constructing ready-made examples of knots and links
 Cregina::ExampleSnapPeaThis class offers routines for constructing various example SnapPea triangulations
 Cregina::alias::FaceNumber< Derived, subdim >Helper class that provides a dimension-specific alias for face(), where reasonable
 Cregina::alias::FaceNumber< Derived, 0 >Helper class that provides a dimension-specific alias for face()
 Cregina::alias::FaceNumber< Derived, 1 >Helper class that provides a dimension-specific alias for face()
 Cregina::alias::FaceNumber< Derived, 2 >Helper class that provides a dimension-specific alias for face()
 Cregina::alias::FaceNumber< Derived, 3 >Helper class that provides a dimension-specific alias for face()
 Cregina::alias::FaceNumber< Derived, 4 >Helper class that provides a dimension-specific alias for face()
 Cregina::alias::FaceNumber< FaceEmbeddingBase< dim, subdim >, subdim >
 Cregina::detail::FaceNumberingAPI< dim, subdim >Placeholder class that outlines the functions provided by FaceNumbering<dim, subdim>
 Cregina::detail::FaceNumberingAPI< 1, 0 >
 Cregina::detail::FaceNumberingAPI< 2, 1 >
 Cregina::detail::FaceNumberingAPI< 3, 1 >
 Cregina::detail::FaceNumberingAPI< 3, 2 >
 Cregina::detail::FaceNumberingAPI< 4, 1 >
 Cregina::detail::FaceNumberingAPI< 4, 2 >
 Cregina::detail::FaceNumberingAPI< 4, 3 >
 Cregina::detail::FaceNumberingAPI< dim, 0 >
 Cregina::detail::FaceNumberingAPI< dim, dim - 1 >
 Cregina::FacePairRepresents a pair of tetrahedron face numbers
 Cregina::FacetSpec< dim >A lightweight class used to refer to a particular facet of a particular top-dimensional simplex in a dim-dimensional triangulation
 Cregina::FaithfulAssignment< From, To >Determines if an integer of type From can always be assigned to an integer of type To with no loss of information
 Cregina::Flags< T >A class representing a bitwise combination of flags defined by an enumeration type
 Cregina::Flags< AngleAlgFlags >
 Cregina::Flags< CensusPurgeFlags >
 Cregina::Flags< HyperAlgFlags >
 Cregina::Flags< HyperListFlags >
 Cregina::Flags< NormalAlgFlags >
 Cregina::Flags< NormalListFlags >
 Cregina::python::GlobalArray< T, rvp >A template class that references a constant one-dimensional C++ array
 Cregina::python::GlobalArray2D< T, rvp >A template class that references a constant two-dimensional C++ array
 Cregina::python::GlobalArray3D< T, rvp >A template class that references a constant three-dimensional C++ array
 Cregina::GlobalDirsProvides global routines that return directories in which various components of Regina are installed on the system
 Cregina::GluingPermSearcher< dim >A utility class used to build a census of triangulations, by searching through all possible sets of gluing permutations to match a given facet pairing
 Cregina::TreeDecomposition::GraphRepresents a graph, which may be directed or undirected
 Cregina::GroupExpressionTermRepresents a power of a generator in a group presentation
 Cregina::HilbertCDImplements a modified Contejean-Devie algorithm for enumerating Hilbert bases
 Cregina::HilbertDualImplements a modified dual algorithm for enumerating Hilbert bases
 Cregina::HilbertPrimalImplements a modified primal algorithm for enumerating Hilbert bases
 Cregina::HyperEncodingIndicates precisely how a normal hypersurface within a 4-manifold triangulation is encoded by an integer vector
 Cregina::HyperInfoA class used to query general information about different normal hypersurface coordinate systems
 Cregina::InfinityBase< supportInfinity >Internal base classes for use with IntegerBase, templated on whether we should support infinity as an allowed value
 Cregina::InfinityBase< false >
 Cregina::IntOfMinSize< bytes >Gives access to native integer types that hold at least k bytes, where k may be any compile-time constant
 Cregina::IntOfMinSize<(dim/8)+1 >
 Cregina::IntOfSize< bytes >Gives access to native integer types that hold exactly k bytes, where k may be any compile-time constant
 Cregina::alias::IsomorphismImage< Derived, dim >Helper class that provides dimension-specific aliases for both const and non-const versions of simpImage(unsigned) and facetPerm(unsigned), where reasonable, for isomorphisms in dimension dim
 Cregina::alias::IsomorphismImage< Derived, 2 >Helper class that provides dimension-specific aliases for both const and non-const versions of simpImage(unsigned) and facetPerm(unsigned)
 Cregina::alias::IsomorphismImage< Derived, 3 >Helper class that provides dimension-specific aliases for both const and non-const versions of simpImage(unsigned) and facetPerm(unsigned)
 Cregina::alias::IsomorphismImage< Derived, 4 >Helper class that provides dimension-specific aliases for both const and non-const versions of simpImage(unsigned)
 Cregina::alias::IsomorphismImage< Isomorphism< dim >, dim >
 Cregina::IsoSigClassic< dim >The default signature type to use for isomorphism signatures
 Cregina::IsoSigDegrees< dim, subdim >Defines an alternate type of isomorphism signature based on degree sequences of subdim-faces
 Cregina::LightweightSequence< T >A lightweight class for storing a random-access sequence of objects
 Cregina::ListView< Container >A lightweight object that can be used for iteration and random access to all elements of a given list
 Cregina::ListView< Element * >A specialisation of ListView for working with lists stored in a C-style array
 Cregina::i18n::LocaleA simple class with static routines for querying information about the current locale
 Cregina::LPCol< LPConstraint >Used by LPInitialTableaux<LPConstraint> to store a single column of the adjusted matching equation matrix in sparse form
 Cregina::LPConstraintBaseA base class for additional linear constraints that we can add to the tableaux of normal surface or angle structure matching equations
 Cregina::MarkedElementA base class for elements of MarkedVector
 Cregina::Matrix2Represents a 2-by-2 integer matrix
 Cregina::MaxAdmissibleUsed to enumerate all maximal admissible faces of a polyhedral cone under a given set of admissibility constraints
 Cregina::ModelLinkGraphArcA reference to an outgoing edge from a node of a model graph for a knot or link
 Cregina::NativeInteger< bytes >A wrapper class for a native, fixed-precision integer type of the given size
 Cregina::NormalEncodingIndicates precisely how a normal surface is encoded by an integer vector
 Cregina::NormalInfoA class used to query general information about different normal coordinate systems
 Cregina::Output< T, supportsUtf8 >A common base class for objects that write human-readable text output
 Cregina::Output< AngleStructures >
 Cregina::Output< FileInfo >
 Cregina::Output< GluingPerms< dim > >
 Cregina::Output< GroupPresentation >
 Cregina::Output< HomGroupPresentation >
 Cregina::Output< HomMarkedAbelianGroup >
 Cregina::Output< Isomorphism< dim > >
 Cregina::Output< Link >
 Cregina::Output< LPData< LPConstraint, IntType > >
 Cregina::Output< LPInitialTableaux< LPConstraint > >
 Cregina::Output< LPMatrix< IntType > >
 Cregina::Output< Manifold >
 Cregina::Output< Matrix< T > >
 Cregina::Output< ModelLinkGraph >
 Cregina::Output< ModelLinkGraphCells >
 Cregina::Output< NormalHypersurfaces >
 Cregina::Output< NormalSurfaces >
 Cregina::Output< Packet >
 Cregina::Output< SatRegion >
 Cregina::Output< SimplexBase< dim > >
 Cregina::Output< SnapPeaTriangulation >
 Cregina::Output< StandardTriangulation >
 Cregina::Output< T, false >
 Cregina::Output< Tangle >
 Cregina::Output< TreeDecomposition >
 Cregina::Output< Triangulation< dim > >
 Cregina::Output< TrieSet >
 Cregina::Output< TxICore >
 Cregina::Output< TypeTrie< nTypes > >
 Cregina::Output< ValidityConstraints >
 Cregina::OutputBase< T >Provides a type alias to help identify where in the class hierarchy the output functions T::str() and T::detail() are implemented
 Cregina::PacketChildren< const_ >A lightweight object that gives access to all immediate children of a given packet
 Cregina::PacketData< Held >A lightweight helper class that allows an object of type Held to connect with the wrapped packet class that contains it
 Cregina::PacketData< AngleStructures >
 Cregina::PacketData< Link >
 Cregina::PacketData< NormalHypersurfaces >
 Cregina::PacketData< NormalSurfaces >
 Cregina::PacketData< SnapPeaTriangulation >
 Cregina::PacketData< Triangulation< dim > >
 Cregina::PacketDescendants< const_ >A lightweight object that gives access to all strict descendants of a given packet
 Cregina::PacketInfoA class used to query general information about different packet types
 Cregina::PacketListenerAn object that can be registered to listen for packet events
 Cregina::PacketShellGives access to the final remains of a packet that is in the process of being destroyed
 Cregina::GluingPermSearcher< 4 >::PentEdgeStateA structure used to track equivalence classes of pentachoron edges as the gluing permutation set is constructed
 Cregina::GluingPermSearcher< 4 >::PentTriangleStateA structure used to track equivalence classes of pentachoron triangles as the gluing permutation set is constructed
 Cregina::Perm< n >Represents a permutation of {0,1,...,n-1}
 Cregina::Perm< 2 >Represents a permutation of {0,1}
 Cregina::Perm< 3 >Represents a permutation of {0,1,2}
 Cregina::Perm< 4 >Represents a permutation of {0,1,2,3}
 Cregina::Perm< 5 >Represents a permutation of {0,1,2,3,4}
 Cregina::Perm< 6 >Represents a permutation of {0,1,2,3,4,5}
 Cregina::Perm< 7 >Represents a permutation of {0,1,2,3,4,5,6}
 Cregina::PosOrderA comparison object that sorts hyperplanes by position vectors
 Cregina::PrimesA helper class for finding primes and factorising integers
 Cregina::PrismSpecSpecifies a single triangular prism in a tetrahedron
 Cregina::ProgressTrackerBaseThe base class for Regina's progress tracking classes
 Cregina::Qitmask1< T >A small but extremely fast "base 4 bitmask" class that can store up to 8 * sizeof(T) "qits", each equal to 0, 1, 2 or 3
 Cregina::Qitmask2< T, U >A small but extremely fast "base 4 bitmask" class that can store up to 8 * sizeof(T) + 8 * sizeof(U) "qits", each equal to 0, 1, 2 or 3
 Cregina::RationalRepresents an arbitrary precision rational number
 Cregina::detail::RetriangulateActionTraits< Object, Action, FirstArg >A traits class that analyses callable objects that are passed to retriangulation or link rewriting functions
 Cregina::SatAnnulusRepresents an annulus formed from a pair of triangles in a Seifert fibred space
 Cregina::SFSFibreRepresents an exceptional (alpha, beta) fibre in a Seifert fibred space
 Cregina::ShortArray< T, maxSize >A short stack-based array of bounded size
 Cregina::SigCensusA class responsible for building censuses of splitting surface signatures
 Cregina::alias::SimplexVoid< Derived, dim >Helper class that provides a dimension-specific alias for simplex(), where reasonable
 Cregina::alias::SimplexVoid< Derived, 2 >Helper class that provides a dimension-specific alias for simplex()
 Cregina::alias::SimplexVoid< Derived, 3 >Helper class that provides a dimension-specific alias for simplex()
 Cregina::alias::SimplexVoid< Derived, 4 >Helper class that provides a dimension-specific alias for simplex()
 Cregina::alias::SimplexVoid< FaceEmbeddingBase< dim, subdim >, dim >
 Cregina::Snapshot< T >Keeps a snapshot of an object of type T as it was at a particular moment in time
 Cregina::SnapshotRef< T >A reference to an image of type T that has been snapshotted at a particular moment in time
 Cregina::Snapshottable< T >A base class for images of type T that can be snapshotted at a particular moment in time
 Cregina::Snapshottable< Triangulation< dim > >
 Cregina::StrandRefA reference to one of the two strands of a link that pass each other at a crossing
 Cregina::detail::Strings< dim_ >Contains a collection of compile-time constant strings that describe features of the dimension dim
 Cregina::LightweightSequence< T >::SubsequenceCompareFirst< IndexIterator >A binary function object for comparing subsequences, for use in associative containers whose keys are sequences
 Cregina::SubtreeIterator< const_ >A forward iterator for iterating through the entire packet subtree rooted at a given packet
 Cregina::CompactSearcher::TetEdgeStateA structure used to track equivalence classes of tetrahedron edges as the gluing permutation set is constructed
 Cregina::EulerSearcher::TetEdgeStateA structure used to track equivalence classes of tetrahedron edges as the gluing permutation set is constructed
 Cregina::CompactSearcher::TetVertexStateA structure used to track equivalence classes of tetrahedron vertices as the gluing permutation set is constructed
 Cregina::EulerSearcher::TetVertexStateA structure used to track equivalence classes of tetrahedron vertices as the gluing permutation set is constructed
 Cregina::detail::TriangulationBase< dim >::TopologyLockCreates a temporary lock on the topological properties of the given triangulation
 Cregina::NormalHypersurfaces::VectorIteratorA bidirectional iterator that runs through the raw vectors for hypersurfaces in this list
 Cregina::NormalSurfaces::VectorIteratorA bidirectional iterator that runs through the raw vectors for surfaces in this list
 Cregina::XMLTriangulationReader< dim >
 Cregina::XMLWriter< Held >

Copyright © 1999-2021, The Regina development team
This software is released under the GNU General Public License, with some additional permissions; see the source code for details.
For further information, or to submit a bug or other problem, please contact Ben Burton (