
struct — A single angle structure


Content Model
struct ::= (#PCDATA, flags?)
lenNUMBER (required)


A struct element stores a single angle structure on a 3-manifold triangulation.

An angle structure on a T-tetrahedron triangulation is represented by a vector of 3T+1 integers. This vector is stored as the character data of this XML element as follows.

Since an angle structure vector will generally contain many zeroes, only the non-zero elements are listed. The character data should thus consist of a whitespace-separated sequence of integer pairs. Each integer pair represents a non-zero coordinate in the vector; the first element of the pair identifies which coordinate is being described (coordinates are numbered 0, 1, 2, ...) and the second element of the pair is the actual value at this coordinate.

There are 3T actual angles stored in an angle structure; these are 0:01/23, 0:02/13, 0:03/12, 1:01/23, 1:02/13, 1:03/12, 2:01/23, etc, where t:ab/cd represents the angle assigned to the edge in tetrahedron t that joins tetrahedron vertices a and b, as well as the (opposite) edge that joins tetrahedron vertices c and d (a, b, c and d will always be 0, 1, 2 and 3 in some order).

To determine the kth of these angles, take the kth integer in the angle structure vector, divide by the final element of the vector and multiply by π.


The child flags element is deprecated, and should not be used. As of Regina 4.93, the flags element will not be written, and will be ignored when reading older data files.

In older versions of Regina, the flags element was used to store properties of the angle structure. The flags were a bitwise combination of the following values:

1The angle structure is strict (all angles are strictly between 0 and π). This flag is only meaningful if the angle structure type has been calculated; see below.
2The angle structure is taut (all angles are either 0 or π). This flag is only meaningful if the angle structure type has been calculated; see below.
4The angle structure type (strict/taut) has been calculated.


The following elements contain struct: packet (angle structure list).


The following elements occur in struct: flags.



The length of the angle structure vector. This will always be 3T+1, where T is the number of tetrahedra in the underlying 3-manifold triangulation.


The following XML snippet represents an angle structure on a 2-tetrahedron triangulation. The angle structure vector is (0, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, 2). The corresponding six angles are (0, 0, π, π/2, π/2, 0).

<struct len="7"> 2 2 3 1 4 1 6 2 </struct>