Regina 6.0.1 File Format Reference |
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Revision 6.0.1 (2021-02-12)
Copyright © 1999–2021 The Regina development team
This manual details the XML file format used by Regina for its data files. For information on Regina itself, see the users' handbook or visit the Regina website.
Table of Contents
- I. Data File Format
- abeliangroup - An abelian group
- allowstrict - Deprecated: see spanstrict
- allowtaut - Deprecated: see spantaut
- angleparams - Parameters for an angle structure enumeration
- compact (filter) - A constraint on compactness
- compact (surface) - Is a normal surface/hypersurface compact?
- components - The components of a knot/link diagram
- compressingdisc - Does a triangulation contain a compressing disc?
- connected - Is a normal surface connected?
- connections - The connections between crossings in a knot/link diagram
- crossings - The individual crossings in a knot/link diagram
- euler (filter) - A constraint on Euler characteristic
- euler (surface) - The Euler characteristic of a normal surface
- filter - A normal surface filter
- filter (combination) - A logical combination surface filter
- filter (properties) - A surface filter that uses basic properties
- flags - Deprecated: do not use
- fundgroup - The fundamental group of a triangulation
- group - A group presentation
- H1 - The first homology group of a triangulation
- H1Bdry - The first homology group of the boundary of a triangulation
- H1Rel - The relative first homology group of a triangulation
- H2 - The second homology group of a triangulation
- haken - Does a triangulation represent a Haken 3-manifold?
- hypersurface - A single normal hypersurface in a 4-manifold triangulation
- irreducible - Does a triangulation represent an irreducible 3-manifold?
- line - Deprecated: see packet (script) for details
- op - A single logical operation
- orbl (filter) - A constraint on orientability
- orbl (surface) - Is a normal surface orientable?
- packet - A single packet in a data file
- packet (2-dimensional triangulation) - A 2-dimensional triangulation packet
- packet (3-dimensional triangulation) - A 3-dimensional triangulation packet
- packet (4-dimensional triangulation) - A 4-dimensional triangulation packet
- packet (
-dimensional triangulation) - A dim-dimensional triangulation packet - packet (angle structure list) - An angle structure list packet
- packet (container) - A container packet
- packet (link) - A knot/link packet
- packet (normal surface list) - A normal surface list packet
- packet (normal hypersurface list) - A normal hypersurface list packet
- packet (PDF) - A PDF packet
- packet (script) - A script packet
- packet (SnapPea triangulation) - A SnapPea triangulation packet
- packet (surface filter) - A surface filter packet
- packet (text) - A text packet
- params - Parameters for a normal surface/hypersurface enumeration
- pent - A single pentachoron in a 4-dimensional triangulation
- pentachora - The pentachora forming a 4-dimensional triangulation
- pdf - An encoded PDF document
- realbdry (filter) - A constraint on real boundary
- realbdry (surface) - Does a normal surface/hypersurface have real boundary?
- reginadata - An entire Regina data file
- reln - A relation in a group presentation
- simplex - A single top-dimensional simplex in a dim-dimensional triangulation
- simplices - The top-dimeinsional simplices that form a dim-dimensional triangulation
- snappea - The full contents of a SnapPea data file
- solidtorus - Does a triangulation represent the solid torus?
- spanstrict - Does an angle structure list span a strict structure?
- spantaut - Does an angle structure list span a taut structure?
- splitsfce - Does a triangulation have a splitting surface?
- struct - A single angle structure
- surface - A single normal surface in a 3-manifold triangulation
- tag - An individual packet tag
- tet - A single tetrahedron in a 3-dimensional triangulation
- tetrahedra - The tetrahedra forming a 3-dimensional triangulation
- text - An arbitrary amount of text
- threeball - Does a triangulation represent the 3-dimensional ball?
- threesphere - Does a triangulation represent the 3-sphere?
- triangle - A single triangle in a 2-manifold triangulation
- triangles - The triangles forming a 2-manifold triangulation
- turaevviro - Deprecated: do not use
- twosided - Is a normal surface two-sided?
- txi - Does a triangulation represent the product of the torus with an interval?
- var - A single script variable
- zeroeff - Is a triangulation 0-efficient?
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