Data File Format

Since Regina version 3.0, data files are now saved in an optionally compressed XML format. If a data file is compressed, it can be piped through gunzip to recover the plain text XML.

This reference chapter documents the various XML elements that form a Regina data file and how they are used. The top-level element for a data file is reginadata.

Regarding international characters: As of Regina version 4.5 (May 2008), all XML data is encoded using UTF-8 (which includes plain ASCII as a subset). In versions 4.4 and earlier, data was encoded in LATIN1 without declaring this explicitly in the XML header; Regina is aware of this, and treats all older data files as LATIN1 when they are loaded.

Table of Contents

abeliangroup - An abelian group
allowstrict - Deprecated: see spanstrict
allowtaut - Deprecated: see spantaut
angleparams - Parameters for an angle structure enumeration
compact (filter) - A constraint on compactness
compact (surface) - Is a normal surface/hypersurface compact?
components - The components of a knot/link diagram
compressingdisc - Does a triangulation contain a compressing disc?
connected - Is a normal surface connected?
connections - The connections between crossings in a knot/link diagram
crossings - The individual crossings in a knot/link diagram
euler (filter) - A constraint on Euler characteristic
euler (surface) - The Euler characteristic of a normal surface
filter - A normal surface filter
filter (combination) - A logical combination surface filter
filter (properties) - A surface filter that uses basic properties
flags - Deprecated: do not use
fundgroup - The fundamental group of a triangulation
group - A group presentation
H1 - The first homology group of a triangulation
H1Bdry - The first homology group of the boundary of a triangulation
H1Rel - The relative first homology group of a triangulation
H2 - The second homology group of a triangulation
haken - Does a triangulation represent a Haken 3-manifold?
hypersurface - A single normal hypersurface in a 4-manifold triangulation
irreducible - Does a triangulation represent an irreducible 3-manifold?
line - Deprecated: see packet (script) for details
op - A single logical operation
orbl (filter) - A constraint on orientability
orbl (surface) - Is a normal surface orientable?
packet - A single packet in a data file
packet (2-dimensional triangulation) - A 2-dimensional triangulation packet
packet (3-dimensional triangulation) - A 3-dimensional triangulation packet
packet (4-dimensional triangulation) - A 4-dimensional triangulation packet
packet (dim-dimensional triangulation) - A dim-dimensional triangulation packet
packet (angle structure list) - An angle structure list packet
packet (container) - A container packet
packet (link) - A knot/link packet
packet (normal surface list) - A normal surface list packet
packet (normal hypersurface list) - A normal hypersurface list packet
packet (PDF) - A PDF packet
packet (script) - A script packet
packet (SnapPea triangulation) - A SnapPea triangulation packet
packet (surface filter) - A surface filter packet
packet (text) - A text packet
params - Parameters for a normal surface/hypersurface enumeration
pent - A single pentachoron in a 4-dimensional triangulation
pentachora - The pentachora forming a 4-dimensional triangulation
pdf - An encoded PDF document
realbdry (filter) - A constraint on real boundary
realbdry (surface) - Does a normal surface/hypersurface have real boundary?
reginadata - An entire Regina data file
reln - A relation in a group presentation
simplex - A single top-dimensional simplex in a dim-dimensional triangulation
simplices - The top-dimeinsional simplices that form a dim-dimensional triangulation
snappea - The full contents of a SnapPea data file
solidtorus - Does a triangulation represent the solid torus?
spanstrict - Does an angle structure list span a strict structure?
spantaut - Does an angle structure list span a taut structure?
splitsfce - Does a triangulation have a splitting surface?
struct - A single angle structure
surface - A single normal surface in a 3-manifold triangulation
tag - An individual packet tag
tet - A single tetrahedron in a 3-dimensional triangulation
tetrahedra - The tetrahedra forming a 3-dimensional triangulation
text - An arbitrary amount of text
threeball - Does a triangulation represent the 3-dimensional ball?
threesphere - Does a triangulation represent the 3-sphere?
triangle - A single triangle in a 2-manifold triangulation
triangles - The triangles forming a 2-manifold triangulation
turaevviro - Deprecated: do not use
twosided - Is a normal surface two-sided?
txi - Does a triangulation represent the product of the torus with an interval?
var - A single script variable
zeroeff - Is a triangulation 0-efficient?