Regina 7.3 Calculation Engine
Classes | Namespaces
treeconstraint.h File Reference

Constraint classes for use with tree traversal enumeration methods. More...

#include "enumerate/treelp.h"
#include "maths/integer.h"
#include "surface/normalcoords.h"
#include "surface/normalsurface.h"
#include "triangulation/dim3.h"


class  regina::LPConstraintBase
 A base class for additional linear constraints that we can add to the tableaux of normal surface or angle structure matching equations. More...
class  regina::LPConstraintSubspace
 A subclass of LPConstraintBase used for constraints defined entirely by homogeneous linear equations. More...
class  regina::LPConstraintNone
 A do-nothing class that imposes no additional linear constraints on the tableaux of normal surface or angle structure matching equations. More...
class  regina::LPConstraintEulerPositive
 A class that constraints the tableaux of normal surface matching equations to ensure that Euler characteristic is strictly positive. More...
class  regina::LPConstraintEulerZero
 A class that constraints the tableaux of normal surface matching equations to ensure that Euler characteristic is zero. More...
class  regina::LPConstraintNonSpun
 A class that constraints the tableaux of normal surface matching equations to ensure that normal surfaces in an ideal triangulation are compact (thereby avoiding spun normal surfaces with infinitely many triangles). More...
class  regina::BanConstraintBase
 A base class for additional banning and marking constraints that we can place on tree traversal algorithms. More...
class  regina::BanNone
 A do-nothing class that bans no coordinates and marks no coordinates. More...
class  regina::BanBoundary
 A class that bans normal disc types that meet the boundary of the underlying triangulation. More...
class  regina::BanEdge
 A class that bans normal disc types that meet a particular edge of the underlying triangulation. More...
class  regina::BanTorusBoundary
 A class that bans and marks disc types associated with torus boundary components. More...


namespace  regina
 Contains the entire Regina calculation engine.

Detailed Description

Constraint classes for use with tree traversal enumeration methods.

Copyright © 1999-2023, The Regina development team
This software is released under the GNU General Public License, with some additional permissions; see the source code for details.
For further information, or to submit a bug or other problem, please contact Ben Burton (