Regina 7.3 Calculation Engine
utilities Directory Reference


file  base64.h
 Routines for base64 encoding and decoding taken and modified from the Base64 project at
file  bitmanip.h
 Optimised classes for bitwise analysis and manipulation of native data types.
file  bitmask.h
 Provides optimised bitmasks of arbitrary length.
file  boolset.h
 Provides various types that extend the standard boolean.
file  exception.h
 Defines some general exception types thrown by Regina. Note that some exceptions that are specific to a particular piece of machinery (e.g., snapshotting, or errors within the SnapPea kernel) are defined in other headers alongside that machinery.
file  flags.h
 A template class for handling bitwise combinations of enum flags.
file  i18nutils.h
 Various classes and routines for working with internationalisation and character encodings.
file  intutils.h
 Miscellaneous utility classes for analysing the built-in integer types at compile time.
file  listview.h
 Lightweight objects that offer access to lists.
file  markedvector.h
 Provides space-efficient arrays with fast object-to-index lookup.
file  memstream.h
 Supports input streams that read directly from memory.
file  osutils.h
 Provides miscellaneous helper routines that are specific to particular operating systems.
file  qitmask.h
 Provides optimised "base 4 bitmasks" of fixed length.
file  randutils.h
 Provides threadsafe random number generation.
file  sequence.h
 Support for temporary lightweight sequences.
file  shortarray.h
 Provides short stack-based arrays of bounded size.
file  sigutils.h
 General helper tools for isomorphism signatures, knot signatures and the like.
file  snapshot.h
 Provides a mechanism for snapshotting objects at a particular moment in time.
file  stringutils.h
 Provides various routines for use with C++ strings.
file  tableview.h
 Lightweight objects that offer access to multi-dimensional tables.
file  tightencoding.h
 Provides short ASCII printable encodings for various objects.
file  trieset.h
 Provides a trie-like structure for storing sets.
file  typeutils.h
 Provides helper classes for use with template metaprogramming and type analysis. The need for these will likely diminish as Regina switches to use more modern C++ standards.
file  xmlutils.h
 Various classes and routines for XML manipulation. The libxml2 library is used to do most of the underlying work.

Copyright © 1999-2023, The Regina development team
This software is released under the GNU General Public License, with some additional permissions; see the source code for details.
For further information, or to submit a bug or other problem, please contact Ben Burton (