Regina 7.3 Calculation Engine
triangulation Directory Reference


directory  alias
directory  detail
directory  dim2
directory  dim3
directory  dim4
directory  generic


file  cut.h
 Supports cuts in triangulations and facet pairings.
file  dim2.h
 Includes all headers for working with 2-dimensional triangulations. This includes headers for the main class Triangulation<2>, as well as the face classes Face<2,subdim>, the component classes Component<2> and BoundaryComponent<2>, and the isomorphism class Isomorphism<2>.
file  dim3.h
 Includes all headers for working with 3-dimensional triangulations. This includes headers for the main class Triangulation<3>, as well as the face classes Face<3,subdim>, the component classes Component<3> and BoundaryComponent<3>, and the isomorphism class Isomorphism<3>.
file  dim4.h
 Includes all headers for working with 4-dimensional triangulations. This includes headers for the main class Triangulation<4>, as well as the face classes Face<4,subdim>, the component classes Component<4> and BoundaryComponent<4>, and the isomorphism class Isomorphism<4>.
file  example.h
 Offers some example higher-dimensional triangulations as starting points for testing code or getting used to Regina.
file  example2.h
 Offers some example 2-dimensional triangulations as starting points for testing code or getting used to Regina.
file  example3.h
 Offers some example 3-dimensional triangulations as starting points for testing code or getting used to Regina.
file  example4.h
 Offers some example 4-dimensional triangulations as starting points for testing code or getting used to Regina.
file  facenumbering.h
 Describes the way in which subdim-faces are numbered within a dim-dimensional simplex.
file  facepair.h
 Deals with simple pairs of face numbers.
file  facetpairing.h
 Includes headers for working with facet pairings in all dimensions except for dimension 3. Specifically, this includes headers for the class FacetPairing<dim> for all dim ≠ 3.
file  facetpairing3.h
 Deals with dual graphs of 3-manifold triangulations.
file  facetspec.h
 Allows lightweight representation of individual facets of simplices.
file  forward.h
 Provides forward declarations of Regina's triangulation-related classes.
file  generic.h
 Includes all headers for working with higher-dimensional triangulations. This includes headers for the main class Triangulation<dim>, as well as the face classes Face<dim,subdim>, the component classes Component<dim> and BoundaryComponent<dim>, and the isomorphism class Isomorphism<dim>, for all dimensions dim ≥ 5.
file  isosigencoding.h
 Defines different encodings for isomorphism signatures.
file  isosigtype.h
 Defines different types of isomorphism signatures.
file  pachner.h
 Explains terminology used with Pachner moves on triangulations.

Copyright © 1999-2023, The Regina development team
This software is released under the GNU General Public License, with some additional permissions; see the source code for details.
For further information, or to submit a bug or other problem, please contact Ben Burton (