
censuslookup — Search for triangulations in Regina's census databases


censuslookup {isosig...}

censuslookup {{-v, --version} | {-?, --help}}


This utility searches for the given 3-manifold triangulations in the various census databases that are shipped withRegina.

You should present the trianguations using their isomorphism signatures. These are short text strings that identify the triangulation uniquely up to combinatorial isomorphism (i.e., up to relabellings of the tetrahedra and/or their vertices).

From the graphical user interface, you can view the isomorphism signature of a triangulation by switching to the Composition tab in the triangulation viewer. From Python you can fetch the isomorphism signature of the triangulation x by calling x.isoSig(). For a full and precise specification of isomorphism signatures, see Simplification paths in the Pachner graphs of closed orientable 3-manifold triangulations, Burton, 2011, arXiv:1110.6080.

All database matches (if any) will be written to standard output.


-v, --version

Show which version of Regina is being used, and exit immediately.

-?, --help

Display brief usage information, and exit immediately.

Environment Variables

The following environment variables influence the behaviour of this program.


The directory beneath which Regina's data files are installed. This utility will look for the census databases in the subdirectory $REGINA_HOME/data/census/.

Normally you should not need to set this option yourself. This utility should know how to find its census databases in standard situations, which include fixed filesystem installations (e.g., GNU/Linux and Windows), relocatable app bundles (e.g., macOS), and running directly from the source tree.


    example$ censuslookup fvPQcdecedekrsnrs dLQbcccajqs cPcbbbiht
    fvPQcdecedekrsnrs: 1 hit
        SFS [S2: (2,1) (3,1) (5,-4)] : #1 -- Closed census (orientable)

    dLQbcccajqs: 0 hits

    cPcbbbiht: 2 hits
        m004 : #1 -- Cusped hyperbolic census (orientable)
        L104001 -- Hyperbolic knot and link complements


macOS Users

If you downloaded a drag-and-drop app bundle, this utility is shipped inside it. If you dragged Regina to the main Applications folder, you can run it as /Applications/

Windows Users

The command-line utilities are installed beneath the Program Files directory; on some machines this directory is called Program Files (x86). You can start this utility by running c:\Program Files\Regina\Regina 7.3\bin\censuslookup.exe.

See Also

regina-gui. trisetcmp,


This utility was written by Benjamin Burton . Many people have been involved in the development of Regina; see the acknowledgements page for a full list of credits.