
reginadata — Replaced by regina


Content Model
reginadata ::= (packet)
engineCDATA (required)

Deprecated since Regina 7.0


This element was renamed to regina when Regina switched to its third-generation file format in Regina 7.0. If Regina sees a data file whose root element is reginadata (not regina), it will understand this to be a older second-generation data file, and it will still be able to read it. New data files should use regina as their root elements instead.

A reginadata element is the top-level element for a second-generation Regina data file. Whereas the newer regina stores different types of packets using their own element types (container, tri, etc.), the older reginadata stores every packet using a packet element. The single child packet of a reginadata element represents the root of the packet tree stored in this data file.


Being the top-level element of a data file, reginadata has no parents.


The following elements occur in reginadata: packet.



The full version of the Regina calculation engine that wrote this data file.

If a newer version of Regina exports to an older Regina file format, then the engine attribute will reflect the newer version of Regina that actually wrote the file.

If this file was created by hand or by an external program, the engine attribute should reflect this (it might contain the name and version of the external program, for instance).