file | boundarycomponent.h |
| Implementation details for boundary components of triangulations.
file | component.h |
| Implementation details for connected components of triangulations.
file | example.h |
| Implementation details for generating example triangulations in arbitrary dimension.
file | face.h |
| Implementation details for lower-dimensional faces of triangulations.
file | facenumbering.h |
| Implementation details for describing how subdim-faces are numbered within a dim-dimensional simplex.
file | facetpairing.h |
| Implementation details for dual graphs of dim-dimensional triangulations.
file | retriangulate.h |
| Traits classes for analysing actions that are passed to retriangulation or link rewriting functions.
file | simplex.h |
| Implementation details for top-dimensional simplices in a triangulation.
file | strings.h |
| Implementation details that hard-code strings appropriate for each dimension.
file | triangulation.h |
| Implementation details for triangulations of arbitrary dimension.