Regina for Fedora

Regina now offers Fedora packages through online package repositories. This helps Fedora to find and install dependencies automatically. It also helps with security, since the repository is cryptographically signed.

To install Regina and keep up-to-date with the newest version, follow these instructions.

You only need to follow these steps the first time you install Regina. After this, Fedora's package manager will handle upgrades for you, just like for any other Fedora package.

  1. Open a terminal.

  2. Add Regina to your list of package repositories. To do this, type the line below, replacing VERSION with your Fedora version (e.g., 37 or 38):

    sudo dnf config-manager --add-repo

    For example, if you are running Fedora 38, you would type:

    sudo dnf config-manager --add-repo

    If dnf does not understand the config-manager command, you will need to install the dnf-plugins-core package.

  3. Update the list of available packages. To do this, type:

    sudo dnf update --refresh

  4. Install Regina. To do this, type:

    sudo dnf install regina-normal

    Fedora should ask you at this point to import Regina's cryptographic signing key. Check that the fingerprint is correct (the correct fingerprint is shown at the bottom of this page), before accepting the key.

That's all! You can now keep Regina up to date in the same way that you manage your other Fedora packages.

The fingerprint for Regina's cryptographic signing key is shown below (see the line in bold). If you wish to examine the key more carefully, including its links into the web of trust, you can download it here.

Importing GPG key 0x542D38D9:
 Userid     : "Benjamin Burton <>"
 Fingerprint: 519A 0009 FB50 255D DB4E 8892 70A6 BEDF 542D 38D9
 From       :
Is this ok [y/N]: y

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