Regina 7.3 Calculation Engine
Here is a list of all modules:
 Algebraic StructuresVarious algebraic structures
 Angle StructuresAngle structures on triangulations
 Census of TriangulationsCensus lookup and enumeration for triangulations of various dimensions
 Engine StructureOverall structure of the calculation engine
 Vertex EnumerationPolytope vertex enumeration algorithms
 File I/OFile formats and the filesystem
 Foreign File FormatsReading and writing foreign file formats
 Normal HypersurfacesNormal hypersurfaces in 4-manifold triangulations
 Knots and LinksKnots and links in the 3-sphere
 Standard 3-ManifoldsStandard 3-manifolds whose structures are well-understood
 Mathematical SupportUnderlying mathematical gruntwork
 Basic Packet TypesPacket administration and some basic packet types
 Progress TrackingProgress tracking for long operations
 SnapPea TriangulationsInterfaces for accessing the SnapPea kernel
 Splitting SurfacesSplitting surfaces in triangulations
 Standard Triangulations and SubcomplexesStandard triangulations and subcomplexes of triangulations whose structures are well-understood
 Normal SurfacesNormal surfaces in 3-manifold triangulations
 TreewidthTreewidth and tree decompositions
 Dimension-Specific AliasesDimension-specific aliases for generic code
 Implementation detailsImplementation details that end users should not need to reference directly
 2-Manifold TriangulationsDetails for implementing triangulations of 2-manifolds
 3-Manifold TriangulationsDetails for implementing triangulations of 3-manifolds
 4-Manifold TriangulationsDetails for implementing triangulations of 4-manifolds
 TriangulationsTriangulations of manifolds in all supported dimensions
 Generic triangulationsDetails for implementing triangulations in arbitrary dimensions
 Miscellaneous UtilitiesMiscellaneous helper classes and functions

Copyright © 1999-2023, The Regina development team
This software is released under the GNU General Public License, with some additional permissions; see the source code for details.
For further information, or to submit a bug or other problem, please contact Ben Burton (